Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Look! It's all snow and white and stuff! Seeing snow makes me really happy and even though I hate the cold it was nice to be outside for a while today. It was snowing and it was so pretty! Sadly, I don't think that this snow will last very long and a white christmas is not possible, but I still hope. 'Cause it is just a couple of days left so there might be a chance right?
We'll just have to wait and see.

Tomorrow I will have to go and buy a couple of christmaspresents. I was thinking about going today but after just a couple of hours of sleep I decided against it. Too tired. So weird. I'm totally not used to wakeing up very early. It feels really weird.


Time: 2:41 PM.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Yes, I'm saying that already, mostly because I will be very busy starting just about now and might not have time or will to blog at all over the hoidays.

Í have no idea what to say about anything right now, a lot of stuff is happening but I can't really think of a good way to summarize it in text. I had a "test" today, a sort of mock application as preparation for when the time comes to try and get in to university. The "video" posted in the end of this post is me singing the same song I performed then, with the same awesome guitarist, it's been such a pleasure working with him. Tomorrow I get feedback on my performance, and let me tell you guys, I am nervous.

I have another consert coming up with the folk ensemble, we'll be having a workshop with a band called Ranarim and then we get to warm up the stage for them. It's a pretty big deal, because they are big here in Sweden in that genre. Check them out if you want:

I'm thinking about trying to make some sort of website for myself as a musician, but I don't really have anything to put on there so it would feel kind of silly at this point. I really want to start trying to market myself as a singer and get gigs, but I have no clue how I'm supposed to accomplish that. Mayb the charity concert one of my friends is organizing could be a step in the right direction, on the other hand I won't really be able to perform as a classical singer there since I probably won't have anyone to play the piano or anything else to support me. Oh well, I'll think of something. Please join the facebook group to support the project!

I think that will be it, and if I don't check in, I wish you all a lovely Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sorry for being notsome and not blogging for ages. I've just been busy with life and stuffs. I haven't forgotten you guys!

This is my new obsession:

Hot korean guys. Give me.

That's all for now...


time: 6:46 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Joy and good cheer

Hey everyone!

Christmas has come early up here, we're all covered in snow now and I'm feeling sort of cozy inside. Thinking a lot about God and Jesus and what those words mean to me (damn you, Jesus Christ Superstar!) but I haven't found any kind of answer yet, perhaps I'm not supposed to; Who knows? (I probably misused that semicolon xD)
Preparations for Lucia are in full swing, of course, and I have a couple of songsI really need to learn by heart.

I went to a concert this evening, and it was tons of fun! the ultimate proof that you don't have to be stiff and formal when performing classical music. One of my fav pieces was a duet from Cosi fan tutte that they had chosen to enact as a scene in a gym. Two girls were singing about a couple of andsome guys, how they wanted them and how easy it would be to get them. In the end, the guys walked off together. Priceless!

That's it for me at the moment, see ya!


Monday, November 30, 2009

It's me again...

Hello Peeps!

Me writing again so that you will get something to read. Hehe. And I have something to write too. I didn't manage to finish NaNo because I got myself a life and chose that instead of NaNo. I think I made the right choice when I think about how fun I have been having. But I did manage to get over 30 000 words and I am pretty proud of myself.

And it's December tomorrow! Christmas is soon! It's weird how fast the time flies!

This wednesday I will attend a jewelleryworkshop that Linda Toye is having. I have been to one maybe a year ago and it was so much fun! It will be awesome to do somekind of jewellery again. I love being creative. Linda is a really cool person! And I will get to speak english again and it will be fun! I don't get to do that so much at all. When I am in sweden it does happen at times but here not so much.

That's all for now.
Have fun!


Time: 11:15 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm sorry.

Failing this blogging again. I promise to get better after NaNo cause right now I really have to concentrate on the writing or I will fail at it. And I really want to win.


Don't hate me.

time: 9:10 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not nerdy enough

I recently joined the forums over at the Spoony exmeperiment ( and I am, for real, afraid to open my mouth over there and actually say something because I'm afraid I'll just get completely ignored and disrespected. For example, liking Twilight seems to be something of a criminal offence over there. I don't like the books, but the movie is one of my absolute favourites.
Not sure what more to say about that, just something I thought about.

Speaking of nerds, I have just become OBSESSED with Jesus Christ Superstar, simply because I re-watched the version that was made in 2000. Funny thing is, I remember seeing it, but I don't remeber thinking it was that good. I might have even decided that I liked the older movie version better, which couldn't be farther from how I feel now even if it tried.

I still think the older version is good, but I love the 2000 one so much more, really just for one reason: The relationships between Jesus and Judas. In the 2000 film they are (to my eyes) basically portrayed as lovers, lovers whose relationship is falling apart around them as Jesus must fulfill his misson and Judas is filled with sorrow, anger and jealousy. But that's how I see it. It might look different to other people.

Check out the vid if you like, and form your own opinion. Or better, see the entire movie.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I think that we are phailing this week.

Yes, I am posting one now. And I am not even gonna make Hanna write another one this week (she would have one hour to do way.). It seems that she has so much other stuff going on and that is good. It's good to have a life and not just sit infront of a computer all day (and night) as some of us do.

NaNo is pretty much killing the both of us I guess and it's hard to concentrate on other stuff and life and whatnot at the same time. It's easier to do it when the writing is going smoothly but when it gets hard it's all one can think about. These past few days has been hard for me and I have been a mess. I'm apologize if you have had to listen to me talk about NaNo a lot.
It will get better at some point.

I realized yesterday that I have been at home 2 days straight. I haven't been outside at all. Today I was at the balcony so I was almost outside. I had a headache yesterday and I totally blame myself, or maybe NaNo. Haha. So peeps please remember to go outside sometimes. It's good for you!

Here's Lady GaGa for you!

I love the song and the video. I think it's cool. What do you think?

Have fun peeps!


Time: 11:02 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

The fail is strong in this one

Okay peeps, this is how it is:

I have a life.

That's all the explanation I can offer you guys. I do stuff, meet up with the Rhinos quite a lot (the Piteå/Luleå NaNoers go by that name now)and wenesday I actually had a concert. Thankfully it went well, and now it's just on to the next one.

You see, november is very stressful. Not only am I swamped with NaNo (and I'm behind like shit now) but I also have a buttload of stuff in school and I don't really enjoy writing so much that I can live with only doing that in my spare time.

So when stuff gets like this, I don't think about updating blogs. I have called for complete radio silence on my LJ blog.

I should probably find someone who can fill in for me, but that is also not someting I'm really thinking about right now.

So I shall offer you guys a deal: I will try my hardest to manage the two posts a week I've said I will write, but if I fail I will at least attempt to make the posts I do remeber to post entertaining and about fun and interesting stuff.

That is my best offer, hope it's allright with you.

If any of you guys are into the environmental bit, here's a fun proect:

I probably won't remember to write one, but maybe some of you will? And maybe what you have to say can bring hope and inspiration to future generations? Who knows?

And it seems that I will be going to my very first Thanksgiving dinner this month, once of the Rhinos is Amercian and she felt like treating us all to food, which is awesome by me. Food is like... A god to me.

Quick List of Things Most Awesome

1. My girlfriend
2. My family
3. My friends
4. Food and sex

That is how much I love food (and yes, ranking fourth is HUGE, considering how much I love my girlfriend, family and friends).

I'll stop rambling for now, and leave you with this vid as a goodbye.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A bad post but still one...

Okay, we failed a bit last week...or should I say I did? Well anygays...

NEW WEEK and so on!

I fixed our background that wasn't showing for some odd reason but now it's back up again. I don't even know if anyone noticed...did you?

Hanna having her own little VPFPH made me totally miss my VPFPH. Okay it's not mine but still. I miss them all so much, and oh, Hanna, you are pretty much a part of (my) VPFPH anyways. I almost count you as one of the girls.
Someone should totally organize a meeting of somekind and make me come there. Yup. Totally. DO IT!

Now I should totally go back to writing my NaNo. I'm a bit behind but, yeah. It's gonna be fine. I hope. Right now I feel a bit stuck when it comes to it and it's going slowly. Damn.

Have a good day!


Time: 5:41 PM

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Okay, this week's fail is all my fault, I'm sorry. I've been really out of it. Sorry for being in the way of you making two post Emma.

I don't have much of a life these days, but I'm happier than before, even if I'm not sure if it shows. Hopefully I'll stay happy andn focused and not fall into depression again, because I like having energy.

NaNo of course is counteracting this in a major way since I feel like I hardly have time for anything but writing. It's gettin better now though, thankfully. (Note to Emma): I've actually gotten my own VPFPH up here now, since the Pite NaNoers are getting together on a regular basis to hang out and write. Fancy that, huh?

I went and listened in on a master class in singing held by my teacher today and I really learned a lot. It's amazing how much you can actually learn just by listening to someone else being instructed. Hopefully I'll be able to work some of the things I picked up into my own singing as well.

That's all for now, I think.


Thursday, November 5, 2009



Hanna just reminded me about this blog. (And this is my first post this week! How is that possible?!)

I am really busy for some reason and I somehow don't have time. I blame NaNo for everything! And somehow I am behind in NaNo too, so I really can't even blame NaNo. Today I thought that I would write a lot to catch up. I woke up at 8 am because I told a friend that I would listen to her radiobroadcast that she was doing in Piteå and I thought that I would be able to write at the same time. Well...that didn't go so well...

And in the evening I had my theatrething and it was so much fun! We were like 4 people but it was still so much fun (we danced and talked and...aah) and after that we went to a café and just sat and talked about everything.

And then there was stuff on Tv.

Damn. But tomorrow! The weekend is coming! YAY!

(and this was almost a NaNo free post...)


Time: 11:13 PM.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let's not

I'll try my best to counter the NaNo-central effect, since it won't make for much fun reading if all we go on about is our wordcounts. Plus I am hating NaNo with a passion right now so I don't exactly feel like gushing about it anyway, but thank you ever so much for the encouragement Emma, you're a sweetheart as always.

I'm in school right now and I took this moment to do some blogging since I really don't have the energy to practise. I'll do it later, promise.

My teacher has me singing with a toothbrush in my mouth now to keep me from clenching my jaw, and believe it or not it actually works and singing does become easier. Of yourse if you try to sing lyrics with the toothbrush in it sounds pretty funny, but it gives the voice a really nice flow, for me at least, when I just sing on a vowel, like "aaah."

I am so tired, I stayed up way too late to crap out the days wordcount (NaNo shizzle) and a little more and now I just feel like curling up in a corner and dissappearing for a while, but that's not going to happen, and I'm kind of pissed off because there is this really exciting class this evening that I'm probably too tired to attend. So, ironically, the great creative happening that is NaNo has just put a HUGE hamper on my regular creative activities that I would probably have enjoyed a lot more than the typing-diahrrea that happened last night. Sitting up like that was dumb beyond all belief and has left me in a quite pissy mood today, so thanks a lot, me, for being such a complete dumbass. I also just spent a very long paragraph writing about NaNo, so much for my brilliant plans...

I had my first piano-lesson today and it was f-ing fantastic! I hadn't realised how much I've truly miseed playing the piano, and I've still got it in me too! I thought I'd forgotten just about everything, but I managed pretty well I think and it'll just get better in time.

Anyway, resident idiot checking out for now, I'll se you all later!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

More NaNo

Hello dear peeps!

Hanna was nice and told me that I could skip writing a post today because of NaNo. I said that I would write one. It doesn't take that long to write one little post and I have a pretty good start in my writing. So I have time to write.

I have 1833 words right now and will probably go over 2000 today. I'm pretty happy about that.

Poor Hanna is having trouble writing it seems. DON'T GIVE UP, HONEY! I know that you are a fantastic writer and you just need to write! Stop thinking about what you write and if it sounds good. It's not the quality that counts. Just put a lot of words on the paper. Stuffs do write themselfs at times.

(And I think this blog is turning into NaNo-central right now.)


Time: 6:59 PM

Saturday, October 31, 2009

NaNo kick-off1

I'm a little nervous, because tonight I'm going to a kick-off for all ofus up here where I live who are participating in NaNoWriMo. I'm looking forward to it a lot, but I'm pretty shy and it will be a lot of people I've never met before.

Otherwise nothing much is happening. I'm waiting for approval to join an RPG site, again, something that makes me pretty nervous since I quit RPG:ing years ago because it wasn't good for me. Now I'm attempting a "comeback" of sorts and it scares me a little.

Good luck this november, all of you who are also participating in NaNo! And of course a special good luck to you, Emma!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Old clothes...

I am feeling like a bad blogger. Sorry.

I have been thinking about maybe getting rid of some old clothes that don't fit anymore and that I just don't use. If you know me then you know that I get really attached to stuff I own and I pretty much hate giving away stuff. So it's a bit hard for me to even think about giving away clothes that I have loved a lot in my life.

But then again I really need to get some space in my closet to make room for new lovely clothes.

And if I sell the clothes I get some money and that is always good...right?

This is so hard.

Btw, have a nice Halloween!


Time: 6:54 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just because

So people, it's time to blog again.

As usual I'm not quite sure what to write about, I'm not particularly inspired these days. My girlfriend is making me tea, and then she's going out to get takeaway. She's my angel and I don't know what I'd do without her, I don't even have to come with eventhough it's cold and dark outside. I'll have to think up some way to make it up to her later.

We've been a bit sad today, separation-angst. The funny thing is, we've been having sepration angst over something that won't happen for like a year and a half.

You see, my girlfriend will have to move to another town because of her education. It sucks, but I try to stay positive. Hopefuly we'll still be able to be together weekends and such.

I've done the whole long-distance relationships bit before. It sucked. On the other hand, my previous relationship was pretty fucked up all over, so hopefully this time, when I'm in a more stable relationship, it will be different.

On a more positive note, I'm getting all worked up about the next Assassin's creed game, eenthough I haven't actually played the entire first game! I love Assassin's creed, but the one in my family to possess it was my brother, and not me, and for some reason I never got around to finishing it when I still lived with my family. Now I have no X-box 360, but I can still dream and drool, can't I?

Well, I'll finish with a music video. I don't knowif I've posted it before, but it's awesome enough to repeat anyway.


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today I am going to tell you about ChartJackers (because I support them on my twitter...and I think that they are pretty much awesome and everyone should know about them.).

"Youtube legends Johnny, Jimmy, Charlie and Alex have got ten weeks to crowd-source a number one single for Children In Need. With no money or industry experience, can they do it?"

The song is made and you can hear it in this video on youtube. Now they just need to get it played on radiostations and stuff like that. They are at the moment making the musicvideo. BBC Switch is making a documetary about the whole thing.

It's for Children In Need.

I love the idea to make something with the help of people all around the world. People have been able to send in clips to them for the musicvideo. It's awesome!

Check them out now!
Here are some links to webpages:

BBC Switch ChartJackers
BBC Switch on youtube
ChartJackers on youtube


Time: 03:01 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009


Good day folks!

Thanks muchly for the support, Emma, you're an angel!

The consert went okay, I think this might have been the first time I sang having no friggin' clue wether or not it sounded okay. I know it sounds weird, but I really couldn't tell. The recording I made turned out to be crappy, so I couldn't really tell from that either.

Today I have this sort of evaluation-talk thingy and I'm a little nervous. I don't really want to know how I'm doing since I feel like I'm doing crap. I'm not going to whine about it more than I already have.

It's lunch time now, but I don't feel like eating. I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat. I will though, so don't get worried.

I'm getting pretty cought up in NaNo now actually, since Emma got me to join. Hopefully it will make November more fun for me. My mother has been very supportive, saying that it's a good idea. She really thinks I should go for the whole writing bit. I don't know what I want, and I'm not sure I want to seriously try that too and find that it's just another things I'm not good enough to fully accomplish. We'll see.

Anyway, I'll go eat no. Take care of yourselves y'all!


Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hello peeps!

I'm sorry that I am blogging this late but I have had a busy day, and I originally planned on blogging yesterday but since Hanna did that I chose to do it today instead. I might have done it tomorrow instead but, nah.

I have to tell you about one thing that happened today. I was talking to a friend on the subway and I noticed a pin on her bag and it read And I got surprised and she asked if I was a member, I said yes. Then we got into talking and i asked her if she knew about VPFPH. I always do that to people that know of fefo or hoggy.

I never thought that she would say yes! IN FINLAND FFS! And she even recognized my username. And Nelle's and Emelie's and Emy's and so many others.

This does it! VPFPH is the shit!

Before I go I just have to say one thing. HANNA! You are amazing! And I love you! And I know it's hard sometimes but you can do it! Drink a lot of warm tea and get your girlfriend to give you a long hug for me (just 'cause I can't do it myself!)!


Time: 11:20 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm sorry, as usual, you guys for not posting for a couple of days. I probably should have gotten a guest-blogger to stand in for me but I just haven't had the energy.

I'm sick at the moment, and pretty banged up mentally too. I have a consert tomorrow that I have no idea how to get through and I'm just feeling pretty untalented and useless at the moment. I'm not sure if I should ever have tried to study music, because I don't think I've ever felt this bad about singing.

I shouldn't have said yes to doing the consert tomorrow, but now I have no idea how to get out of it, or even if I can. I need rest. Thankfully I'll have a whole week off soon which is a great relief. I need to not be in school for a while.

I don't know what else to say so I'll just logg off now.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


YES! We did it! Another week is behind us!

Celebrating by listening to Believe - Folder5. It's a great song and it makes me happy. I will put the musicvideo in the end of this post for you guys. If you have watched the anime One Piece you might recognize the song. If you have not watched One Piece I suggest that you go and do that 'cause it is one of the best things in this world. I love it, and so does my brother.

And in other news totally off topic: I want to learn sign language. Just sayin'.

And here's the vid for you guys! Have a gr8 sunday!


Time: 18:23

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Damn it!

Hello all, I'm so sorry for busting the nice momentum we all had going.

I'm sorry to say that my very promising week turned into a rather shitty one. I had a panic attack the night between monday and tuesday and that sort of set my entire system back for the rest of the week, and blogging wasn't exactly a priority. I was just trying to start to feel good again.

Having a visitor is still fun though! She and the girlfriend are out buying us something to drink right now so I decided to make use of this alone time to write a little.

I really don't have anything else to say though. I've been unwell, and now I'm getting better, sorry for the delay in updates.


P.S Here's a Nuada/Nuala vid my girlfriend made. It's awesome! D.S

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I don't have time for a job...

Hello sweeties!

I am almost already failing the whole blogging thing...It's not wednesday anymore and I feel like I have let everyone down. It's in the middle of the night (1:51) over here and I should be sleeping. Well it doesn't really matter when I don't really need to get up early, but still. It's good to sleep.

I do not have a busy life! At all! I just somehow seem to forget stuff and yeah...but I am blogging now...

I have a friend that said to me that I don't seem to have time for a job. And he's pretty much right because I do too much stuff on the internet to have time to work 9-5 or anything else. My whole internetlife will die if I get a job (or a life for that matter...)!

I totally need a internetjob or something like that.

The NERD has spoken!



Time: 1:57

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hello folks, another week has begun!

I'm really tired and actually have a ton of studying to do tonight (I have a test tomorrow and as per usual I've been puttng studying for it off) but there is still plenty to be exited about this week!

1. We are getting a visit from a very good friend :D

2. I've gotten myself a gymcard so I'll try to get a hold of myself and start training. I really need it, the muscles in my back are not nearly as strong as they need to be for me to be able to sing effectively. Plus, all these yummy milkshakes my beloved keeps making are going to turn me into a human beach-ball if I don't start getting some exersize. I know that healthy food is the real key to stay slim, but I'd rather be happy than thin as log as I'm not unwell. I would not be happy without milkshake.

3. Singing went really well today I think, will sit down in a while and take notes on the recording from my individual lesson. The other singers where really sweet about me during the group lesson, they're awesome!

4. I've learned a song partly in Gaelic! Will record as soon as I have the guitar parts down pat. Am contemplating sending it to Tom Felton with a message along the lines of, "I'm singing in GAELIC and it's still easier to learn than your songs!" but that would probaby be a bad idea.

Well, I'll let that be all and stop procastrinating now, time to get cracking on those studies!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am in such a good mood!

Hello peeps!

There's something I want to mention now because of the fact that it makes me pretty happy and proud. I am so proud of me and Hanna that we managed to write 4 blogposts this week! She wrote two and I wrote two (this one is my second)! We did talk about it last week and decided that we really need to do something about the blog and us not writing properly in it, so YAY!

Today I was at a Business Building Seminar. It was AWESOME! I met amazing people and heard amazing speakers and now I am totally ready to do stuff and change my life. Mats Holmberg is such a good speaker. He's amazing!
Enough about that.
And on my way home from the thing I took the wrong train. I don't know how I could do that.

I'm home alone right now. I don't know where my little brother is. He should be home, but he is not.

That's all for me today!


Time: 20:26

Friday, October 9, 2009


It is late late LATE and the reason that I'm still up is because my dearest girlfriend is up studying ad I can't be bothered with going to sleep, evethough I'm actually pretty tired.

I'm a litle sad too since my shoulder is messed up (probably from playing too much guitar) and I have to go see a naprapath tomorrow... or today really. Hopefully he can help me and gie some tips on how not to hurt myself, because I really love playing the guitar and it would be such a shame if I had to stop.

Right now I'm a little muddled so I don't really know what to say more, I'll just leave y'all with this incredibly charming music video!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Big Bang!

Hello peeps! (I could try to call you something else but peeps just always sounds the best.)

I did some shopping today, and no, I do not shop very often. I mostly just buy some stuff of the internet. I find stuff better that way, but this time I knew what I wanted and from where so I went. I bought Microsoft Office. I need Word to function properly! I am, as some of you know, a girl that write a lot of stuff and I really need to have a good program for that, and Word is the best in my opinion. I have written on Open Office and Works and even Notepad, but they just aren't the same thing as Word. So I had to have it. And I even got a wireless mouse with it. Not bad!

I also bought a awesome scarf. Colourful and awesome! I have started liking colour on my clothes more and more these days. There has been a time when I almost always wore black...and even today I am completely black...not the socks though, they are pink!

Enough said today.
Here's a musicvideo for you all. BIG BANG!

Time: 21:06

Monday, October 5, 2009


Oh, come on Emma, it's not that strange that I didn't know about Tom's music. I haven't been a Harry Potter fan for years and I have definitively not been that interested in the movies, so I wasn't really all that interested in Tom until he showed up in HBP all grown up and hot. I'm a bit of a sexist prick that way.

Objectifying of men aside I am in a bit of a hurry this time, I was working on my music theory homework for the past three lessons and I really needed a break so I decided to update this blog, but I need to get back to work real quick because I must go to bed soon too. It's all part of my plan to get some structure into my life. Let's all see how long I can keep it up, my guess is a couple of days.

I need to start getting in a couple of hours of singing practise a day, and when I start taking piano lessons I'm supposed to practise that too. Plus thw folk-singing I'm doing on the side (main subject bein classical music). I have no idea how to make it all fit together, and I relly don't want to have to let the folk-music go because it's so much fun.

Anyway, have to get back to work now, I'll leave you with the Legolas/Arwen vid that was actually the first one I saw, the one that opened my eyes to the epicness of the pairing.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

He's almost too good...

Hello peeps and Hanna!

Today is a dark and rainy day so I thought I could brighten my day by being good and writing a blogpost for this blog.

Yes, Tom Felton makes music and he's also pretty good at it. I saw that same video in a blog some time ago and the first thing that came to mind was that it's unfair if he's very good at singing. I mean, he's an amazing actor and even good looking (and has a pretty girlfriend too...this I know thanks to his twitter.) so it would be nice if he left something for the rest of us. But no, he's good. I like him. He's good at everything he does!
I am a bit chocked that you, Hanna, didn't know that. I have known for ages!

These days pretty much everyone has twitter, even J.K. Rowling has one. For me that is a big deal!

That's all for today!
Have fun, sweets!


time: 17:48

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Various things

Tom Felton makes music. I had no idea! A disturbing amount of male actors I like turns out to be making music as well... I wonder if it's some kind of sign. I have absolutely no idea what it would mean, but it could still be a sign!

And I have become a Legolas/Arwen shipper, which is really funny since I don't even like Lord of the rings that much. Okay, the movies kick absolute ass, but I've never bee a fan of the books. However, ONE youtube vid was all it took and suddenly I was totally in love with the pairing. The vid posted here is not that one, but another favourite of mine.

Have a good one!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hello sweet readers!

Sorry for not posting anything in a while. There's a lot going on in my life right now and I sometimes just have to take a step back and just calm down. That's when my blogs get the first hit. Sad but true. You just need to live with that and understand that I have a life also, even if I have about...5 blogs to take care of. And a lot of other websites too.

So today all I will show you is this little fantastic video found on youtube. Watch and enjoy!

Time: 20:38

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Have no idea what to call this

Dear readers

Well Emma, I actualy adore the Twilight movie, so I don't hate you at all! I think it's wonderful and it's amongst my personal favourites, which is funny considering how bad I think the book is. The movie is to me the ultimate proof that there was actually not much wrong with the whole "high school girl falls in love with sparkling vampire" idea, it's just that Meyer didn't execute it very well, in my opinion.

Speaking of movies, here's a short list of some I've seen recently and what I (in short) think about them:

Repo, the genetic opera - A cool movie musical with interesting visuals, entertaining music (though not world class), and a pretty inventive story. Graverobber by far the character I liked the most. I would say most people can probbly find something to be amused by in this film, but it is probably best liked by those who want their cinematic art to be on te gothic side.

The dutchess - If you like period pieces you are in for a TREAT if you rent this stunning movie set in the 18th century. It is based on the life of a real person and gets pretty dark at times, but it is a captivating story framed by beautiful sets and costumes.

The spirit - Well... if you liked Sin city, chances are you'll like this one too. It's basically the same sort of movie, with an even weirder and more superhero like plot. I'm not sure myself what I think about it, but I didn't NOT enjoy watching it, so, as I said, if you like Sin City I suggest you check this one out too.

Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind - Hayao Miyazaki doing his thing. This might actually be my favourite of all his movies, and I strongly recommend it to any anime fan (psst, it's a GREAT movie to use if you want to show a newbie how much fun anime can be). It's beautifully animated, the story is more understandable in any Miyazaki movie I've seen except maybe Howl's moving castle, and that one he didn't think of himself. All in all, a great movie.

Well, that was all of them for now. On to the next subject!

Now, I really love Tarot. I mean, the cards are beautiful, and it's kind of peaceful to lay them out to answer a question. Someimes it can be pretty enlightening too, and at other times it is pretty useless. Like now. I asked what I should do to become more focused in my studies, and as far as I coul interpret the cards the answer was somethin along the lines of "just do it." Very helpful...

Seriously though, I am in deep, deep shit schoolwise. I just can seem to focus so all the practising I should be doing is NOT getting done, and I'm just feeling pretty lost at the moment.

Ofcourse it doesn't help that we've finally gotten our game consoles working and now have a ton ofvideo games to play. I mean, video games kicks practicing's ASS.

I think that is about all I have to say at the moment, take care of yourselves!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A lot of vampires

Hello dear peeps! (and Hanna!)

Today, right now, I will try to talk a bit about movies and tvshows, just because I feel like doing it and it's my turn to write so I can do it. Moahahahaha.


Today I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I love the movies if I don't put them against the books then I just start thinking about how much they have left out. And that makes me hate the movies or the makers of the movies. But I still like the movies a lot.
But the books are still a lot better.
I should really read the books again, just because.

I bought the Twilight movie some time ago. (Why do I feel like people are going to kill me for this?) I watched it with my best friend that was here and well it's a pretty good movie. I do like it a bit. I've been watching TheLoveHateSociety on youtube and they have been reviewing Twilight and well....pretty much everyone hated it and thought it was crap. I don't think it's total crap. It could be better but still.

I have also been watching True Blood which is also about vampires and such. The Vampires in True Blood are very different from the Twilight-vampires. They are not really as pretty. I love the series and all you who like vampire-stuff should really check it out.

Soon I'll probably start watching Angel and Buffy. Wait and see.

Here's the trailer for New Moon. I think it looks good. Just sayin'


Friday, September 11, 2009



Sorry, school's been a bit rough this week.

God, music can be so DULL sometimes. I keep getting the singing technique wrong so everything feel extremely uncomfprtable, not to mention the heaps of musical theory that I have to cram into my head, plus rythm and pitch. Yes peaople, I have lessons on rythm and pitch. Oh, and musical history, but I still have high hopes for that subject since history is fun. If I get really lucky we'll talk some about castrati singers, a subject that for some reason fascinates me.

Anyway, now it's weekend and I am happy, happy, happy! Me and the girlfriend made pizza (that tasted great) and then sat and watched 2001, A space odyssey on youtube. A guy at school said he liked it, and I remembered it as sucking ass so I decided to rewatch it again to see if maybe was just too young to get it the last time I saw it, but no, I still think it sucks. It was great fun to watch it with my beloved though, since snarking at bad movies can be very amusing.

Dunno what else to say right now because I'm really tired and will enjoy going to bed A LOT. There is a special magic in knowing that I won't have to get up in the morning.

G'night folks!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I miss her!

Hi sweet peas!

How are you all today?

I myself am pretty okay. I miss Nelle a lot right now 'cause she doesn't have internet and can't even text right now so I have no way of being in contact with her right now. And no, I can not call her cause that would totally kill my phonebill and I would be broke after that. Oh, I hate phone as you might remember so that's not even possible.
I don't know how I will survive this month. I'm used to talking to her everyday on messenger and now I can't.

Not. Funny.

Nice to have you back, Hanna! I did miss you!

Next post I write will have a real topic. Like a book or movie or...something. I don't know exactly what it will be yet, but I'll think about it. If you have some idea then please comment below and tell me!
Thank you!


Time: 19:15

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Dear readers, and Emma

So sorry everyone! I've been pretty busy lately, and I'm still not used to not living with my parents. All those things that just sort of got taken care of before, now I have to do them.

Also, since I'm living with my girlfriend I sort of tend to do stuff together with her when there is time to spare, so the "me" time gets even more eaten. This is not a bad thing, I love spending time with my girlfriend, but it does make it a little more difficult to do all the stuff I used to do in my alone time.

Also, I've made a deal with a friend of mine saying that if she stops eating candy I will deliver her one chapter a week of her favourite fanfic (have I talked about this before? I don't know) so basicly whenever I do get some time write stuff, it's mostly that.

So there you have it peeps, I am slow because I am pretty busy right now, but I'll definitively try to update more frequently!



Hi peeps!

It's me again. Hanna has died. NO, she has not but I have no idea why she has not been blogging, and it's been a week. I thought I should just tell you that we are still alive, well, I am. Oh, I am so funny today.

Now, I am going to go and wash of all of the make up I have on my face and then read a book. Good Night, dear readers!


Time: 1:30 AM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

what a life

Hi peeps!

I know it's very late but I'm sitting at my dad's waiting for a movie to start. I'm gonna watch it with dad in the big tv he has in the livingroom. (yes, we have a little one in this room too...and a computer as you see...haha). And I thought I might aswell do something good while waiting.

Hanna! I am so happy that you enjoy school and that you feel that it's right for you! It's really great! Because you are such an amazing singer and you have a voice to kill for!
I just have to tell you that I played some of the song you have on youtube to my mom one day and she really liked them and your voice.

All this talk about school remind me that I should contact my school. I'm so lazy...

Today I have just been sitting here playing The Sims and watched some One Piece. And a korean movie.
What a life I live.

Have fun!

Time 11:30 PM

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey there everyone!

New school, new singing techniques, new pretty much everything!

There is just so much going on right now that I'm all exhausted (might also have something to do with the fact that I'm not getting enough sleep due to being and idiot and staying up). I really love my new school so far. For the first time I am truly enjoying myself whilst getting an education, and I'm starting to think that maybe music might be the thing for me after all.

You see, I have always been into music, and I do mean always, but lately I have been torn this way and that, trying to figure out what I really want. Anyway, this year will definitively answer the question "Do I want to work with music." We'll all have to wait and see to find out the answer.

Come visit us soon, Emma!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Johnny Durham

Hello dear peeps!

How are you all today?

I'm here to link to this place and tell you that you should love all the t-shirts over there. I have one of them and it's amazing. If you go to the family page and look there you might be able to find a little surprise over there. This requires that you know me and how I look, but still. I got all happy when I saw it. It feels so cool to see myself there.

Johnny Durham is a great guy. With great t-shirts.

I almost fangirl him. Almost.

That's all for today.

time: 19:05

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rise of Legends

Dear readers

Today me and Lotten bought a new computer game, Rise of Legends, and it so many kinds of awesome so far.

Some idiot had scribbled the webadress to some nazi website on a door we passed on our way home today. Lotten spat on it, and she was damn right to do so. I am getting so sick of the fact that they are fucking everywhere spouting their idiot beliefs.

What more to say? We're both incredibly annoyed that the sextoys we ordered still haven't arrived, but the people from the shop have been absolutely lovely towards us and have promised to check what has happened. If you understand Swedish I strongly recommend you visit the site here.

I really don't know what else to write, so I'll let this be a pretty short update.

Take care everyone!


Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello peeeps!

First of all I have to link to this blogpost that Hanna tweeted a couple of minutes ago. It totally made my day! I haven't laughed that hard in a while! I could not have that on my wall. I would get nightmares.

Secondly, I don't know. Talking with Hanna on msn about phones and how I have two eventhough I don't really like phones. Calling people is not fun at all. I hate it. So I understand you, Hanna. I know it's hard to call people you don't know.

And Twitter is awesome to the max!

Just saying.


Time: 17:58

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Holy crap, I've gotten myself a twitter account!

Other than that absolutely nothing is happening. Lotten is off to her first day at university so I'm basically home alone wasting my own time doing useless things. Like getting a twitter account.

I have to call our landlord too since we have a weird smell in our bahroom. I hate calling people. I have a mild phobia of phones.

Hope you're all having a more interesting day than me. Cheers!

So jokes and Looking for Alaska

Click here to get to this video on Youtube.

Hello Peeeps! There's some great music for you to enjoy! I like Hank Green and those songs are just lovely. And I will probably get the cd too at some point.

I have the book "Looking for Alaska" which is written by John Green (Hank's brother). I like the book a lot.

Here's what it's about:
Before. Miles "Pudge" Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave "the Great Perhaps" even more (François Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then. . . . After. Nothing is ever the same.

The whole obsession with last words. I like it. I just like obsession for some reason. AND the book cover is so beautiful. The one with the candle. Yes, I do look at book covers. I can almost just buy a book because of the cover. If the cover is beautiful then I might just have to buy it. Haha.
I'm not normal.

Have fun!


Time: 11:08

Monday, August 17, 2009


Yay for our pretty new background!

Dear readers, I am a little scared right now. I've explained why in my personal blog, so I'll just link there: link

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A bit of change.

Hello peeps!

As you see I changed the colours a bit to get a bit of change. Do you like it?

I am talking with both Hanna and Lotten on msn. Now that they live in the same apartment this is possible. We talked about colours and the blog and Lotten liked the idea of making the blog PINK. So just to warn you all, don't get surprised if this blog one day turns pink.

The weather today makes me confused. First it rains a lot, then it's grey and now the sun is out. It's Finland. *headdesk*

Have a good day!


Time: 14:37

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quick update

Dear readers

Hey there everyone, I am now installed in my new appartment. It's small but cosy, and everything seems to be working out just fine, with a little speed-bump or two.

Thanks for your congratulations Emma dear!

Now I will tell you something that I tell all my friends: If you don't have Skype you really should get it so that I can talk to you! Sure MSN provides a similar service, but I think Skype is better (I might be deluding myself about that one though...).

This is just a fly-by update, I really don't have much to say. My bloody second-degree burn in the palm of my hand is still annoying as all hell, but at least it's healing and doesn't hurt. I will probably have a pretty interesting scar when it's all healed. I'm not complaining though (well, not much...) it could have been a lot worse.

Take care everyone, and beware the paper teacups!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yay for rain...not.

Hello Peeps (and Hanna)!

Ofcourse I will come and visit you (and your girlfriend) when you have settled in! There is no way to keep me from coming there and I know someone who also wants to come visit you. I will take her with me and come as soon as both of us have enough money and time. That, my friend, is a promise.

Last monday I was in Sweden and met some friends, like Hanna, her girlfriend (who now has gotten a name in the blog, Lotten), Nelle and Emelie. I had the best time and it was great! Sitting in a cafe drinking and talking is just lovely. Mostly I am the one that just sits and listens to the others and even this time.
I have to tell that I got a bit surprised when, I think it was Hanna, asked if I was okay. I said yes. I was better then okay. I was in heaven! I was in Sweden with the best peeps in the world! How could I not be fine?!
It was lovely seeing all of you! Love you all so much!

Oh, CONGRATULATIONS on getting engaged! That's really great! You guys really are the best couple in the world! (All pink and fluffy...)

Now I am waiting for a friend to come here, cause I don't wanna go out in the RAIN. Yes, it's raining and it's not fun. :( We might watch a movie or something. It's gonna be fun!

That's all for me today. Have fun!


Time: 16:34

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm back!

Dear readers

I have indeed been busy, with moving and also the recent trip to Visby (that I will tell you all about shortly). Thank you so much Emma darling for holding the fort. I know I can be a horrible blogbuddy at times, but hopefully you haven't gotten sick of me yet.

It was lovely to see you yesterday Emma, as it always is. Hopefully you will come and visit me in my new home too once I'm settled.

Tomorrow I will leave this house that has been my home since I was three years old for the last time in a long while. It feels strange, and I haven't quite grasped it yet. It's like it's not really happening or something like that. Now that I'm thinking about it it almost makes me want to cry, but really it's a good thing. Here is my chance to really find out if music is what I'm supposed to do, and I finally get to live with my girlfriend. We have been dreaming about that for ages!

By the way, have I anywhere mentioned that we got engaged? It's sort of semi-secret since we don't want our parents to get into a hissy-fit, but we bough ourselves a couple of beautiful necklaces (no, not rings, couldn't find nice ones in a price-class we could afford) and got engaged.

So, as I said, it's all good really, but big changes are always hard for me. Also, I have very strong ties to my family so it will be very difficult for me to be away from them.

Of course I will miss all my friends to, but parting from my family is still the most difficult part right now.

To write about a more cheerful subject, Pride this year was great fun. I went as a vampire again, but this time I was meant to symbolice Anne Rice vampires while Lotten was a Twilight vampire and another great friend who for now will be called K went as Spike from Buffy, just like she did last year.

We all had pretty signs and we had so much fun, though I was exhausted efterwards since I wore a long, black dress and boots with moderately high heels. It hurt. A lot.

Moving on to my first ever visit to Visby. In case we have some none-Swedish readers unfamiliar with the concept of the Medieval Week I will explain. A shitload of people (some of them in medieval clothing, or other types of costuming) go to Visby. There they can visit the market where a lot of beutiful stuff and a lot of yummy food is sold. There are loads of fun performances to see during the days and nights and you can take courses in for example medieval sowing or dancing. Oh, and there are tournaments.

Some people go mainly to get drunk a lot and meet with friends, since it is a huge social event. Being a near tee-totaler I wasn't particularly interested in that, but to each their own I say.

Me and Lotten (my girlfriend) were to tired to party much, even if she likes it a lot more than I do, because we were always running around doing things during the days.

One of the more spectacular performances was the "Fireshow", a free performance that the group TRiX does every year. It's a beloved Medieval Week tradition and literally thousands of people gather hours before it to get good places to sit. It was absolutely amazing. I looked around youtube for some footage, but there are only videos of last years show out there for now, and eventhough they are excellent considering the conditions they were filmed under, they still don't convey how extremely cool it is to be there anyway.

The same guys did an absolutely AWESOME show called Girl's night out. They are all very good looking young men so they have a huge following of girls (and boys) drooling over them, hence a show where they promised to be "A bit sexier, a bit more naked, and a bit more sensitive," but it was mostly a joke of course. They all showed up on stage in their underwear at times, which was apreciated by a huge part of the audience. One of them is very good at a form of acrobatics that involves a very large pole, so of course he performed an excellent striptease (Lotten gave him tip in his underwear after the show, which he thought was great fun) but when he made to take off his underwear all the other guys rushed in and carried him off the stage kicking and screaming. It was absolutely hilarious. The whole show was.

An honorary mentioning will also go to the choir Patriarkus for singing both beutiful and hilarious songs that was a delight to hear.

I saw a lot of cool/awesome/beautiful things, I really can't write about all of them, and I will probably return there next year to see more.

Unfortunately I got very sick the last couple of days so I lost an entire day to lying in bed an coughing. Lotten was sick too, but not as sick as me, so she was an absolute hero and went to fetch medicine and food for me.

Also, typing is a bit more difficult than it usually is, because on the boat back home I managed to spill extremely hot water all over my left hand. It's healing very quickly and I had ice on it for ages right after it happened so there aren't many blisters, but it still hurt like hell when it happened.

Anyway, that is pretty much all I can think of writing right now. I leave you with some footage of the TRiX boys, not from Medieval Week but it very much fits the mood of the place. The group playing is Patrask, a very talented medieval-styled band who also perfomed a lot in Visby.

Take care of yourselves!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes, me again.

Hello peeps!

It's me again. Sorry, I know that you were all waiting for Hanna to write because it's her turn but she's lost at the moment. Or well very busy with the real life she has and has no time to write blog posts. Sad but true. So I thought that I would cover for her a bit just so that this blog doesn't die completely.

So I'm going to go over to Sweden this Saturday and staying there until Wednesday. You don't know how happy that makes me right now! SO HAPPY!
I hope to be able to meet Hanna too again since she is moving far away to study and will live far away from Stockholm after that. So it would be lovely to be able to see her before she moves, and see her girlfriend too of course.
Nelle I will see. That's for sure. There has only been one time when I didn't see her when I was over and it felt wrong. So I really have to see her every time I am over.

Last Tuesday I met with a very good friend who is moving to Sweden next week. She is btw moving to the same place as Hanna which I thought was pretty funny when I heard that for the first time. It was fun seeing her but also hard knowing that I wont see her in a long time. I'm really going to miss her a lot.
She joins the group of people I miss every single day. They all pretty much live in Sweden.

I hope that the next post will be written by dear Hanna but one never knows. You all will just have to wait and see.


Time: August 07, 1:01 AM

Friday, July 31, 2009

Internet is a good thing.

I suggest that you all go and watch the trailer in Hanna's last post because it made me cry. I really feel that I do have to read that book and of course see the movie, when that time comes.

Right now I don't really feel like talking or writing which is pretty sad. Sorry, but I just felt a need to write a post anyway. Since it's the last day of July. Summer is almost over. Soon it's back to school or work or whatever one does. For me it's school.

This autumn is a bit different for me. This time a lot of my friends are moving away to start studying in another country or city. It's a bit hard for me. To see them leave and move away. But maybe I'll live.

Thank God for the internet, right?


Time: 11:57 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009

The time traveler's wife

Dear readers

Emma, since you are indeed right in saying that this blog is turning into Harry Potter central, I am happy to say that I will be writing about something quite different today.

Thanks to youtube I just got some great news: One of my favourite books of all time has been turned into a movie!

I know some people think that we should stop turning books into movies because they are never as good as the original, but I don't agree, because some of my favourite movies are adaptations of books or comics.

Hellboy 2, the Golden Army for example, is a comic book adaptation.

P.S I love you was originally a book.

The princess bride was also a book from the beginning.

Twilight is an example where I think the movie is good and the book amusingly awful, I also prefer the Lord of the Rings movies to the books.

Captain Blood was a book.

Gone with the wind was a book. (I actually remembered Gone with the wind as being really bad, but upon re-watching it with friends I found it quite entertaining. Nothing I'd watch alone, but it's great fun with company.)

I think what you need to do is not to look at wether or not the movie folows the book exactly (P.S I love you, for example, differs quite a lot from the book) but wether or not the essence of the story is still there. Does it invoke the same feelings in you as the book? Do you feel the same about the characters? If that is true, I think it is a good adaptation.

Now, to the book I was talking about in the beginning, The time traveler's wife. I can't even begin to explain this book, so I'm not even going to try. What I will say is that it is perhaps the only story involving time travel that makes perfect sense to me, and it is a heartbreakingly beautiful love story that has carved it's own special little place in my heart.

I stumbled upon the trailer for the upcoming movie on youtube, and I am absolutely extatic. If the movie is only a third as good as the book, it will still be brilliant and leave me in a state of tear-stained bliss in the movie theatre. I recommend you all to read the book, and at least I will look forward to this movie with more excitemet than the twilighters look forward to New Moon, and that is saying something.

Here is the trailer that has gotten my spirits up so high. Enjoy!

P.S The youtube vid is a little weirdly formatted, a piece on the side gets cut off for some reason, but it's perfectly viewable. Look it up on youtube if you want the entire picture. D.S

Monday, July 20, 2009

A bit about Harry Potter.

This blog has turned into Harry Potter central! xD I do not complain though. I love Harry Potter. I wouldn't be the person I am if it weren't for HP. Or know the people I know and love. I wouldn't know dear Hanna either.
Yes, it was Harry Potter that brought us two together. And of course the fact that she is dating a VPFPH-girl.
Ah the ways one gets to know people in.

But Harry Potter has brought so many people together, and it's good. Harry Potter is a BIG part of my life.

I mean I do write fan fiction. I do read fan fiction. I do watch the movies. I do follow some of the movie stars on Twitter. I do fangirl over Harry Potter. I do like wizardrock.

I did get my mum to read the books (she has read the second book now. I am so proud of her.).

And I have read the books more then once, though not HBP and DH, but that will probably happen in the near future.

I can thank Harry for a lot. And JK too of course for writing the books and making my life so much better.

And giving me a group where I truly belong.


Time: 10:13 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well... I wouldn't know what to answer to that Harry Potter question.

Dear readers

I have been puppy-sitting and am now exhausted. You do NOT sleep well with a litter of puppies sleeping next to you... especially not when they get hungry. They were cute as hell, naturally, but now I am wiped out, which is a pity since I was supposed to go with my girlfriend and have dinner with a couple of other friends and I just don't have the energy.

I wouldn't have been this tired if it wasn't for that bloody Harry Potter premiere that I went to in the middle of the night because of my nerdy girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I thought the movie was full of awesomesauce, but it got very late and we couldn't sleep afterwards. Plus, all the fans wailed like banshees every goddamn time something Harry Potter-related came up on the screen BEFORE THE MOVIE EVEN STARTED.

It is not good for my psyche to be exposed to that feeling of madness in the air that fills any room crammed with overexited fans.

Peace, love and grow your own goat.*

*Anyone who gets that reference gets a cookie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truth or Fail: Harry Potter edition!

I'm not gonna say much today. Though I will give you this youtube video and you should watch it. How much do you know about Harry Potter? Find out now!

I love that gameshow!


Time: 10:02 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear readers

Emma was just kind enough to remind me that it was my turn to write, and since I'm just sitting around being rather useless at the moment I might take the time to blog some.

Today I went out walking in a short, tight dress, which might not seem like a big deal to most of you, but to me it really is. I don't feel very good about my body, so it's a pretty big step for me to show myself in any kind of revealing clothing at all. It really sucks that so many people have to feel so bad about how they look, don't you think?

Another first is that right now I was singing (really singing, using my full capacity) for the first time in a long while. I'm singing along to the musical Oklahoma, one of my absolute fav musicals. The 1999 version with Hugh Jackman in, the version I personally prefer, you really should see it.

I'll finish (as usual) with some youtube material. Two vids this time, one is a clip from Oklahoma just to show how awesome it is, and the other is a trailer for a fanfic me and my girlfriend have started to write.

I hope you're all well and happy.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Feeling old at 21.

So first of all I am going to tell you that I am now a year older which is not fun at all. Feeling old at 21 is not fun. And I know that I should not feel old at all but I just can't help it. I mean, really! My birthday was the 1st of July if you want to save it in your calender or something. I don't like birthdays at all. For the record.

Second of all, I'm sorry for not blogging. I have been thinking about it but then there has been so much stuff in my way, like the two fanfiction that Hanna linked in her last post (the first one is so cute and the other one is also very lovely and I am still reading it, it's looong.) and I watch Hana Yori Dango. And I am now totally in a different world.

So yay for that!

Yesterday I got a new phone! Which I love veeery much!

Lovely isn't it?


Time: 1:53 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009

MORE Draco/Hermione

Yesssss, I'm spreading Draco/Hermione like a plague!

Dear readers

I have nothing mutch to report on life right now. Tomorrow I'm getting together with a bunch of friends to have dinner in a belated celebration of my birthday, and today I spent a wonderful day just chilling out with friends too.

Emma, of course I will write you a Draco/Hermione fic, as soon as I come up with a really good idea. For now you cen read these two instead, they're not written by me, but they're good:

Staring Bandit (Oneshot)

The Dragon's Bride (Novel length)

Also you can watch this vid that me and the girlfriend made, personally I think it's rather funny

Love, Hanna

Harry/Draco/Hermione: Tango Draco
by JerryTilda

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Totally RANDOM.

Good Morning!

I'm awake, which is a miracle! Or well at this hour anyways. I mean it's summer and I don't have anywhere to go so I could sleep many more hours, but no.
I'm at a friends place right now and she left an hour ago, and I stayed here to sleep, but it seems that I can't sleep anymore. Damnit. So I am doing what I always do, sit on the computer and do totally unimportant stuff, and important too, as this entry is very important indeed.

I'm probably going to stay in Tampere until Friday or something just because I want to, and 'cause I have friends here that I want to see. I didn't really plan this trip more then a couple of hours in the middle of the night so it's pretty random. But it's fun!

Oh, the Hermione/Draco bug that has bit my dear friend Hanna has also bit me, so YAY for that! I totally want to find good fanfics but that's almost impossible. :( If Hanna does not write a good one for me! Please? *puppyeyes*

Now I am going to continue doing something totally random.


Time: 10:22 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Dear readers

Glad you liked the video, Emma, and I'm very glad to hear that you like Return to me (for the uninitiated I might add that I am actually one of the authors of the fic, the other one is my girlfriend), and your virtual hug put a big smile on my face.

Something rather strange has happened to me, and I blame it all on youtube. I have become a Draco/Hermione shipper. I never liked the pairing before, but then suddenly I saw some absolutely charming fanvids presenting them as a couple and I was completely hooked.

It feels so wrong, but once I have fallen in love with a pairing it takes me a good time to fall out of love (if I ever manage to do it) so I'm pretty much stuck.

Here, myy friends, I present you with one of the vids that sealed my fate! xD

Love, Hanna

Monday, June 15, 2009



Hanna! I have to just say that I love that video with the two of you! It might be because I love you two very mucho! Hug your girlfriend from me next time you see her, okay? And imagine me hugging you right....NOW!

Okay, enough random stuff. On with the show, or something.

Last night I spent my time reading a Harry Potter fanfiction, which I have not done in a long time. I enjoyed doing it a lot. Because I have missed doing that a lot. So YAY! The one I was reading is called Return to me and if you want to read it then you can do it here. I love it.
I also started writing again on my own fanfictions and it has really been a while. I am so proud of myself now.

I did not sleep much last night so my brain is a bit soft. Sorry. And I haven't eaten anything today...


time: 5:44 PM

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Eclipse campaign

Self-explanatory vid with me and my girlfriend.


The Last Airbender

Hello guys!

I have been thinking about writing something for a couple of days now but somehow I always seem to forget to acually do it. For some odd reason.

Last weekend I bought a lot of stuff. Like too much stuff. I have no idea how much money I really spent but it was a lot. Though the stuff was stuff I really loved so that makes it okay. And I hope to get some more money in maybe a week so YAY! Then I can shop some more! HAHAHAHAHAA!

No, not really.

Yesterday I watched Avatar; the last airbender for the first time ever. And I think I fell in love with it. I just had to check it out cause our friend Emelie praised it to the heavens when I was in Sweden. Thank you. You should all check it out cause it's really worth it. I don't remember when I would have laughed that much. It's funny.

Now I am waiting for my littlebrother to come home. Maybe I could make him watch the first episode of Avatar. Haha.

Have a good day!


Time: 8:30 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dear readers, again I find myself in a situation where I feel obliged to apologize to you all. Sorry, I've had a busy time lately.

I got to see Emma a while ago, because she was in Sweden, and I was so happy! It was really great to see you again, sweetie!

Other fun stuff that's happened is that I've been to the opera and seen La Traviata and it was incredibly beautiful, and I've gotten another Errol Flynn movie, Sea Hawk. I'm a huge fan of Errol, so it's a pity he was such a bastard (and he really was), and I'm just generally crazy about old movies.

Oh, and my wonderful, wonderful girlfriend treated me to a day at an amusement park and bought me a book (why am I being showered with gifts? Well, it's my birthday soon. I'm turning 21, yikes!). The book she got me was Kushiel's Chosen, sequel to Kushiel's Dart, one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read. It's very sexy (I think), fascinating and intelligent, and beautifully written!

I've gotten myself books to, and a DVD, I finally used a gift certificate I got a couple of years ago. I am so slow. The DVD was Twilight and the books were The Gargoyle, and Lesbian Pulp Fiction. Twilight is excellent of course, I'll get back to you on the books when I've read them.

Hope I made up for my absence.


Oh, and here comes the second part of Dr. Horrible!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today I came home from Vaasa, which is a city in Finland. It's a four hour trip with train so it's pretty far away. I had a great time there and I almost miss it already. I got used to having a lot of people around me that now I just feel all lonely.

On the train we all had computers and I sat playing Chain Rxn on Facebook. If you don't know that game do check it out. It's fun. I can't stop playing it. I did play it a lot in Vaasa for some odd reason. My friend Keny also played a lot. We're pretty much having a competition on who has the highscore. At the moment he's in the lead. I'm trying and trying to beat him but it's not easy.

I was really allergic the whole trip which was annoying. Hate it so much. It was a bit hard to breathe at one point. So wohoo.

Vaasa was a pretty city and I could almost see myself living there. They talk a lot of swedish there and it's lovely.


time: 10:47 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodnight, Granddad

My grandfather died a few days ago, as I wrote in my personal blog. Thank you again, Emma for your sympathy and your very warming virtual hugs. Mum was away to discuss plans for the funeral this morning. I will sing during the ceremony, just like I did when my grandmother (on my father's side) died. It's my way of showing love, and gratitude that they were part of my life.

I'm so sorry to hear that you're ill Emma, and I do hope you get better real soon.

Now it will seem very weird to go on talking about other things, but I hope you'll forgive me for doing so and not think I'm callous. I am grieving for my grandfather and I am not trying to belittle his death by talking about other things.

I have now re-watched Gone with the wind, and it wasn't as bad as I remembered it at all. I recommend you to both read and see it, when you have the time. Though the movie should be enjoyed with company, it could get a little boring to watch it by yourself I think.

To finish I will offer you the first part of Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog, the next part will naturally appear in my next post. You can also download this piece of awesomeness on itunes. I'm personally addicted to this thing and can't stop singing the songs. Much like I have become a HUGE fan of the Disney movie Tarzan, another movie I would like to urge all of humanity to see.

Anyway, the video:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gone with the wind.

Hello lovely readers!

Hope that you don't hate me for not writing in this blog in...well ages. I'm very sorry and I will try to get better at updating. Been pretty busy and now I am feeling a bit ill. It hurts to swallow and my whole body pretty much aches. So woho for that.

And yes I am just giving you bad excuses for not writing. Not good.

Oh, I'm so sorry about you grandfather, Hanna! It must be very difficult to not be able to do anything and just wait.

Gone with the Wind. I have heard so much about that one but neither seen in or read it. I probably should. Just to have read it and yeah...'cause people say that it's good. But right now I have a lot of books to read so maybe I'll read them first and then think of new books to read. Right?

I had a meeting at my school today. I study from home so I don't go to school at all, or well sometimes, but not often. The meeting went well and now I feel better and that I can relax a bit. That is really good. I really want to keep my ability to sleep.

That's all today. Brain not working.


Time: 4:45PM.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dear readers

I can see you listening to that Emma. Not really my music though, but they were skilled.

Right now my life is filled with awesome things and very, very sad things all at once.

My grandfather is terribly ill, and he's probably dying. Nothing much to write about that really, it's just a long, terrible wait. It feels really strange to write about it here, because I feel like I sound so cold. Sometimes the written word can be so clumsy. But if I just kept prattling on about the good things that's happening without saying anything about this, that would feel wrong too.

The awesome thing is that I've been accepted to the school I wanted to go in. It means I'll be moving out of home, and in with my girlfriend. It also means that I'll finally be getting serious with music for real, which feels kind of cool.

The book in my constant presence these days is Gone with the wind, which I grabbed from the library because I remember thinking that the movie was awful and I wanted to check if the book was just as bad. It turns out that it is a rather interesting read, and that made me decide to re-watch the movie and see if I'd like it better this time around. Somehow I doubt that, but you never know.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mrs. Nerimon.


Sorry that I haven't made a post in a while. There's a lot going on in my life right now and...yeah. Like schoolstuff that I don't really understand at all, so that takes a bit of time to do. And then a lot of other stuff.

But now I am back here.

Listening to ALL CAPS right now and I just love it. A friend of mine said that it's summermusic and I have to agree with him. It's upbeat and happy and that's what music has to be in the summer. I can totally see myself sitting on the grass and listening to "Mrs Nerimon". Can't you?
I want the cd but I have no money so I can't really order it yet.

I wanna do something creative now. Hm.


Time: 6:10 PM.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sharing my happiness

Dear readers

This will be a mega-short little update because I am uninspired and very nervous because in a couple of days I'll be off to apply for a school I want to attend.

Anyway, I want to make movies some day, and I downloaded this program called Celtx that formats everything in the right way when you write a script. All the distances and shit. I haven't tested it much yet, but it seems to be easy to use and pretty awesome.

Just wanted to share some of that happiness with you all.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

"ew hetero."

First of all I will have to say that I hate small teenagers. Or well not all of them but the ones that laugh and point and are just stupid. There's nothing wrong with loving a woman if you are woman or loving a man if you are man. It's completely NORMAL.
And there has been a point in time when loving a man was concidered more beautiful then loving a woman.
So there.

I don't understand people who still react all stupidly if they see two women kissing or men kissing. It's just so childish and I just can't understand it.

Everyone should be allowed to love who they love and even show it in open. Without stares and stuff.

Maybe I should say "ew hetero" when I see a pair kissing on the street, just for the fun of it. It would be fun to see their faces.


Time: 6:52 PM.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear readers (and of course Emma)

I'll just warn everyone right here in the beginning that this post became a bit ranty as I wrote it.

Well, I don't like tatoos because of the way they look on people. They can be very pretty and all, but I can never get them to quite be a part of the person so it just looks strange and sort of scary to me.

Also, I have a very irrational aversion to change (I'm working on it, but I've got a long way to go) and so when my girlfriend wants to add something to her body (that I know every inch of and think is perfect just the way it is) it's a bit frightening. The thought of this... thing on her skin that can never be removed and that wasn't "supposed" to be there just makes me go "ick!" in a completely non-logical way. It's pretty silly, so I'm trying to ignore it.

I have many, many issues and I guess this is kind of a spin-off thing to them. I'm a heavily messed up person in general.

As for books, I'm trying to get back to reading myself. I borrowed a bunch of books in Swedish just to start remembering how the hell my own language works when aplied to literature. I've been writing in english for such a long while now that I've all but forgotten how to handle my own native tongue with any amount of elegance.

Amongst those books were The 120 Days in Sodom by Marquis de Sade. It's... interesting, to say the least. I was rather amused to find it in the library of the small town I live in. Sade himself seems to have been a creep (apparently he had an affair with a 13 year old, for example) and the book promises to be pretty creepy too. Time will tell if I actually get through it.

I also went to the movies tonight with the girlfriend, and I saw 17 again. It was kind of funny that they had Zac Efron playing basketball and doing a little dance-number too (and the fact that he had his shirt of in the first scene was obvious fanservice) but he did a great job, as did all the other actors. I strongly recommend you guys to go see it.

The night was a bit ruined by the fact that we had a bunch of teenagers giggling at us and being all "ew lesbians" on the bus-ride home. I'm getting very sick of it. People have laughed at almost everthing about me most of my life. The fact that I read a lot, the fact that I'm into music (playing the violin when you're ten can be a fearful thing) and the fact that I'm apparently ugly. Now they're even laughing at my love. And I feel like shit, because I am just too damn tired, and afraid of these little punks that can't really do anything to me, that I can't summon up the power to just turn around and ask them to shut the fuck up. I want to ask that little girl who's demonstratively snogging her boyfriend and giggling and whispering "disgusting" what it is that scares her so much, because I can hear the fear behind that nervous little twitter that she tries to pass off as laughter. I want to ask the guy who points at us and makes discusted faces at his friends what the problem is, and I want to ask them why, if they think they have the right to do what they do, they can't even do it to our faces. They do it behind our backs, thinking that we won't notice.

And a twist to all of this (in my world) is that they can't know that I'm mentally ill and just might end up twitching in my bedroom in something similar to an epileptic attack because of what they do, and they can't know that my girlfriend might have to call in sick to her job as a personal assistant because she's so tired from spending the night trying to get me to breathe properly that she's afraid to go to work because you just can't screw up in her job, and that means that in turn the day of a gravely handicaped little girl and her father gets screwed up. They can't know this, but actually they don't care. They don't care what consequenses their actions has, because I'm just a disgusting lesbian. Because really, if they cared it should be enough that maybe what they do would make me sad.

The other day on the bus a bunch of (in my eyes) pretty ridiculous looking teenagers got on, and my friend said something along the lines of "brat alert," and I couldn't stop a smirk from appearing. I hoped fervently that they hadn't thought I was laughing at them, that they hadn't seen me, that no one got hurt. Because I don't think I have the right to judge them because of something they do that's not really hurting anyone.

I can't change the fact that I'm gay. I don't want to change it, since it allows me to share my life with one of the most incredible persons I've ever met. That makes me happy.

But I am not happy about being a soldier in a war that I never started, and that I have no real wish to participate in. I have no quarrel with straight people, I think they should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and love. I just want to be able to do the same thing and I can't understand why it would pain some people so much to just let me. I'm not hurting anyone.

I don't want to be afraid.

I don't want people to laugh at my love.
