Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Dear readers,

Wow... I'm in this mood where I actually really want to blog, but I'm not exactly sure what I want to say. I guess it's just a need to express something, whatever that something may be, and I'm not really inspired enough to try to turn that energy into writing any form of fiction.

I've gotten into another period of reading massive amounts of fanfiction however, ironically enough HP stuff. I am not really emotionally connected to those books att all, but I'll be damned if I'm not consuming huge amounts of fiction based on the characters. Actually just two, Draco and Hermione. Something about that pairing just keeps me coming back for more, eventhough most of the stories doesn't even depict the characters as I remember them from the books at all. I have yet to find a fic where Draco is anything but a creature of sublime beauty and incredible intelligence (this goes for the fics I like too actually)... Not really the guy I pictured him to be.
When it comes to Hermione people just seem to have this aversion to the word "brown", her eyes and hair are described with a multitude of words of varying degrees of appropriateness but hardly ever are they said to be just plain old brown.

But I'm not going to sit here and bitch about everything that's "wrong" with Draco/Hermione fics, or just fanfiction in general. People write what they want, and most of the time it just so happens that it's not what I want. Yet another reason to get back to my writing, I suppose.

Therefore, to change the subject slightly: I've gotten myself an account on Library Thing, where you catalogue your books online, and see who else owns the same books as you and stuff along those lines. It is strangely addictive:

In a few days I will once more try my hand at classic roleplaying, the kind with dices and actually seeing the people you're playing with. Call of Cthulu. I feel sorry for the others in the gang, because I suck at this kind of thing. HARD. But apparently that's ok and they still want me there, so yay for me having awesome friends!

I think I'll actually just wrap this thing up now, see y'all later!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Not a drop of alcohol

Hello dear peeps!

Not gonna say I'm sorry for not blogging, cause then I will just be saying it all the time and you will all get bored. Haha. And probably hate me.

I read all the Twilight books again. I don't know why I did it but I did. And a while ago Twilight and New Moon gave me a heartattack by falling from my shelf in the middle of the night. I was not happy. And they are still on the floor because I am that lazy. They wanted to kill themselves.

Just for the record, I don't hate the books or the movies for that matter. I don't love them either, but I don't hate them. I'm just not a person that hate stuff I guess. I think it's fun that the books create such big emotions in people. And divide people in to two groups. Those who hate and those who love.
And they are always fighting!

Okay, enough of Twilight.

Tomorrow my mom has been sober for 21 years. Not a drop of alcohol in 21 years. Pretty awesome, ey? Gonna celebrate that a bit tomorrow which is awesome! And I'm gonna have to cancel on my friends that asked me for a drink tomorrow...I totally forgot that I already had plans when one of them asked me. I so rarely have anything to do.

I'll figure something out.

Have fun!


Time: 23:48

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dear readers

I don't know if you remember, but a while back I posted a youtube video that was a trailer for an upcoming movie, The Timetraveler's Wife. I was really excited that they'd made the movie, since it is based on one of my absolute all time favourite books.

I tried to keep track of the movie to see if it came here to Sweden and yet I still managed to miss that it was apparently released here in bloddy OCTOBER! I'm pretty sad right now because it was one of those movie-releases that I really looked forward to on a personal level. I don't fangirl that many thing that intensely really, so it was a pretty sad experience for me to realise that when something that really means something to me was coming here, I missed it despite my best efforts not to. I've actually been wondering for months what the hell happened to that movie. Well, now I know.

I saw Twilight four or five times in the theatre, and I don't even like those books (the shock of how much better I thought the movie was kept me coming back, plus, those movies makes me happy), and I didn't even get to see this one once. Speaking of the Twilight-movies, does anyone know if Stephenie Meyers gets some kind of percentage on the movies' incomes? Because then I may have to stop watching them. Apparently SM gives ten percent of her income to her church, a church that works actively to decrease gay rights in America.

The DVD of The Timetraveler's Wife is released tomorrow, so I guess that's something. A friend of mine has said that the movie really isn't that good and that the book is way better, but people tend to say that and often I find myself disagreeing, so I'll keep my hopes up. Now I'll finish off this post with once again posting the beautiful trailer.