Monday, November 30, 2009

It's me again...

Hello Peeps!

Me writing again so that you will get something to read. Hehe. And I have something to write too. I didn't manage to finish NaNo because I got myself a life and chose that instead of NaNo. I think I made the right choice when I think about how fun I have been having. But I did manage to get over 30 000 words and I am pretty proud of myself.

And it's December tomorrow! Christmas is soon! It's weird how fast the time flies!

This wednesday I will attend a jewelleryworkshop that Linda Toye is having. I have been to one maybe a year ago and it was so much fun! It will be awesome to do somekind of jewellery again. I love being creative. Linda is a really cool person! And I will get to speak english again and it will be fun! I don't get to do that so much at all. When I am in sweden it does happen at times but here not so much.

That's all for now.
Have fun!


Time: 11:15 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm sorry.

Failing this blogging again. I promise to get better after NaNo cause right now I really have to concentrate on the writing or I will fail at it. And I really want to win.


Don't hate me.

time: 9:10 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not nerdy enough

I recently joined the forums over at the Spoony exmeperiment ( and I am, for real, afraid to open my mouth over there and actually say something because I'm afraid I'll just get completely ignored and disrespected. For example, liking Twilight seems to be something of a criminal offence over there. I don't like the books, but the movie is one of my absolute favourites.
Not sure what more to say about that, just something I thought about.

Speaking of nerds, I have just become OBSESSED with Jesus Christ Superstar, simply because I re-watched the version that was made in 2000. Funny thing is, I remember seeing it, but I don't remeber thinking it was that good. I might have even decided that I liked the older movie version better, which couldn't be farther from how I feel now even if it tried.

I still think the older version is good, but I love the 2000 one so much more, really just for one reason: The relationships between Jesus and Judas. In the 2000 film they are (to my eyes) basically portrayed as lovers, lovers whose relationship is falling apart around them as Jesus must fulfill his misson and Judas is filled with sorrow, anger and jealousy. But that's how I see it. It might look different to other people.

Check out the vid if you like, and form your own opinion. Or better, see the entire movie.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I think that we are phailing this week.

Yes, I am posting one now. And I am not even gonna make Hanna write another one this week (she would have one hour to do way.). It seems that she has so much other stuff going on and that is good. It's good to have a life and not just sit infront of a computer all day (and night) as some of us do.

NaNo is pretty much killing the both of us I guess and it's hard to concentrate on other stuff and life and whatnot at the same time. It's easier to do it when the writing is going smoothly but when it gets hard it's all one can think about. These past few days has been hard for me and I have been a mess. I'm apologize if you have had to listen to me talk about NaNo a lot.
It will get better at some point.

I realized yesterday that I have been at home 2 days straight. I haven't been outside at all. Today I was at the balcony so I was almost outside. I had a headache yesterday and I totally blame myself, or maybe NaNo. Haha. So peeps please remember to go outside sometimes. It's good for you!

Here's Lady GaGa for you!

I love the song and the video. I think it's cool. What do you think?

Have fun peeps!


Time: 11:02 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

The fail is strong in this one

Okay peeps, this is how it is:

I have a life.

That's all the explanation I can offer you guys. I do stuff, meet up with the Rhinos quite a lot (the Piteå/Luleå NaNoers go by that name now)and wenesday I actually had a concert. Thankfully it went well, and now it's just on to the next one.

You see, november is very stressful. Not only am I swamped with NaNo (and I'm behind like shit now) but I also have a buttload of stuff in school and I don't really enjoy writing so much that I can live with only doing that in my spare time.

So when stuff gets like this, I don't think about updating blogs. I have called for complete radio silence on my LJ blog.

I should probably find someone who can fill in for me, but that is also not someting I'm really thinking about right now.

So I shall offer you guys a deal: I will try my hardest to manage the two posts a week I've said I will write, but if I fail I will at least attempt to make the posts I do remeber to post entertaining and about fun and interesting stuff.

That is my best offer, hope it's allright with you.

If any of you guys are into the environmental bit, here's a fun proect:

I probably won't remember to write one, but maybe some of you will? And maybe what you have to say can bring hope and inspiration to future generations? Who knows?

And it seems that I will be going to my very first Thanksgiving dinner this month, once of the Rhinos is Amercian and she felt like treating us all to food, which is awesome by me. Food is like... A god to me.

Quick List of Things Most Awesome

1. My girlfriend
2. My family
3. My friends
4. Food and sex

That is how much I love food (and yes, ranking fourth is HUGE, considering how much I love my girlfriend, family and friends).

I'll stop rambling for now, and leave you with this vid as a goodbye.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A bad post but still one...

Okay, we failed a bit last week...or should I say I did? Well anygays...

NEW WEEK and so on!

I fixed our background that wasn't showing for some odd reason but now it's back up again. I don't even know if anyone noticed...did you?

Hanna having her own little VPFPH made me totally miss my VPFPH. Okay it's not mine but still. I miss them all so much, and oh, Hanna, you are pretty much a part of (my) VPFPH anyways. I almost count you as one of the girls.
Someone should totally organize a meeting of somekind and make me come there. Yup. Totally. DO IT!

Now I should totally go back to writing my NaNo. I'm a bit behind but, yeah. It's gonna be fine. I hope. Right now I feel a bit stuck when it comes to it and it's going slowly. Damn.

Have a good day!


Time: 5:41 PM

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Okay, this week's fail is all my fault, I'm sorry. I've been really out of it. Sorry for being in the way of you making two post Emma.

I don't have much of a life these days, but I'm happier than before, even if I'm not sure if it shows. Hopefully I'll stay happy andn focused and not fall into depression again, because I like having energy.

NaNo of course is counteracting this in a major way since I feel like I hardly have time for anything but writing. It's gettin better now though, thankfully. (Note to Emma): I've actually gotten my own VPFPH up here now, since the Pite NaNoers are getting together on a regular basis to hang out and write. Fancy that, huh?

I went and listened in on a master class in singing held by my teacher today and I really learned a lot. It's amazing how much you can actually learn just by listening to someone else being instructed. Hopefully I'll be able to work some of the things I picked up into my own singing as well.

That's all for now, I think.


Thursday, November 5, 2009



Hanna just reminded me about this blog. (And this is my first post this week! How is that possible?!)

I am really busy for some reason and I somehow don't have time. I blame NaNo for everything! And somehow I am behind in NaNo too, so I really can't even blame NaNo. Today I thought that I would write a lot to catch up. I woke up at 8 am because I told a friend that I would listen to her radiobroadcast that she was doing in Piteå and I thought that I would be able to write at the same time. Well...that didn't go so well...

And in the evening I had my theatrething and it was so much fun! We were like 4 people but it was still so much fun (we danced and talked and...aah) and after that we went to a café and just sat and talked about everything.

And then there was stuff on Tv.

Damn. But tomorrow! The weekend is coming! YAY!

(and this was almost a NaNo free post...)


Time: 11:13 PM.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let's not

I'll try my best to counter the NaNo-central effect, since it won't make for much fun reading if all we go on about is our wordcounts. Plus I am hating NaNo with a passion right now so I don't exactly feel like gushing about it anyway, but thank you ever so much for the encouragement Emma, you're a sweetheart as always.

I'm in school right now and I took this moment to do some blogging since I really don't have the energy to practise. I'll do it later, promise.

My teacher has me singing with a toothbrush in my mouth now to keep me from clenching my jaw, and believe it or not it actually works and singing does become easier. Of yourse if you try to sing lyrics with the toothbrush in it sounds pretty funny, but it gives the voice a really nice flow, for me at least, when I just sing on a vowel, like "aaah."

I am so tired, I stayed up way too late to crap out the days wordcount (NaNo shizzle) and a little more and now I just feel like curling up in a corner and dissappearing for a while, but that's not going to happen, and I'm kind of pissed off because there is this really exciting class this evening that I'm probably too tired to attend. So, ironically, the great creative happening that is NaNo has just put a HUGE hamper on my regular creative activities that I would probably have enjoyed a lot more than the typing-diahrrea that happened last night. Sitting up like that was dumb beyond all belief and has left me in a quite pissy mood today, so thanks a lot, me, for being such a complete dumbass. I also just spent a very long paragraph writing about NaNo, so much for my brilliant plans...

I had my first piano-lesson today and it was f-ing fantastic! I hadn't realised how much I've truly miseed playing the piano, and I've still got it in me too! I thought I'd forgotten just about everything, but I managed pretty well I think and it'll just get better in time.

Anyway, resident idiot checking out for now, I'll se you all later!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

More NaNo

Hello dear peeps!

Hanna was nice and told me that I could skip writing a post today because of NaNo. I said that I would write one. It doesn't take that long to write one little post and I have a pretty good start in my writing. So I have time to write.

I have 1833 words right now and will probably go over 2000 today. I'm pretty happy about that.

Poor Hanna is having trouble writing it seems. DON'T GIVE UP, HONEY! I know that you are a fantastic writer and you just need to write! Stop thinking about what you write and if it sounds good. It's not the quality that counts. Just put a lot of words on the paper. Stuffs do write themselfs at times.

(And I think this blog is turning into NaNo-central right now.)


Time: 6:59 PM