Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back in the game

Hello world!

It has been an eventful summer, to say the least. I'm single again, it was very painful to begin with but now I'm rather pleased with the state of things. This was the main reason I didn't feel like I could keep my end of this blog up.

I've discovered that I think True Blood is beyond awesome (not exactly GOOD since I spend a lot of time laughing at all the ridiculous stuff, but things don't have to be good to be awesome) and have a raging fancrush on Alexander SkarsgÄrd.

I'm going to study archaeology come fall, and I am really, really, really excited about it.

I'm still trying to write a book, but I think this time I might actually do it, won't talk much about it here though because then I'll just end up failing.

I've started to play the viola and I love it.

Just a short summary of where I'm at right now. Glad to be back.
