Sunday, April 17, 2011

A bit about wrestling

Hello Hanna!

I don't think that we have that many readers so I might as well write directly to you, which now feels weird since I could be doing this on MSN. But no, I am writing a blogpost instead since talking to you reminded me that I haven't done that in a while.

Now I am. I don't really have that much to tell but...hmm.

Oh, I was really surprised when I found out that you didn't know that I like wrestling. I've been following/watching wrestling for years now! I am shocked that it has never come up in some way! It's been a week now since one of my favorite wrestlers retired and I am still really sad! I know that he's not dead or anything and that he probably will appear but still. He will never wrestle again...for real, not like Rick Flair or someone else who came back after a while. Edge will not wrestle since his doctors told him that he can't.

I cried when he said that he was retiring. He had tears in his eyes. It made me really sad.

After all this I ended up following a bunch of wrestlers on Twitter. Twitter is so much fun!

10:10 PM