Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Various things

Tom Felton makes music. I had no idea! A disturbing amount of male actors I like turns out to be making music as well... I wonder if it's some kind of sign. I have absolutely no idea what it would mean, but it could still be a sign!

And I have become a Legolas/Arwen shipper, which is really funny since I don't even like Lord of the rings that much. Okay, the movies kick absolute ass, but I've never bee a fan of the books. However, ONE youtube vid was all it took and suddenly I was totally in love with the pairing. The vid posted here is not that one, but another favourite of mine.

Have a good one!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hello sweet readers!

Sorry for not posting anything in a while. There's a lot going on in my life right now and I sometimes just have to take a step back and just calm down. That's when my blogs get the first hit. Sad but true. You just need to live with that and understand that I have a life also, even if I have about...5 blogs to take care of. And a lot of other websites too.

So today all I will show you is this little fantastic video found on youtube. Watch and enjoy!

Time: 20:38

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Have no idea what to call this

Dear readers

Well Emma, I actualy adore the Twilight movie, so I don't hate you at all! I think it's wonderful and it's amongst my personal favourites, which is funny considering how bad I think the book is. The movie is to me the ultimate proof that there was actually not much wrong with the whole "high school girl falls in love with sparkling vampire" idea, it's just that Meyer didn't execute it very well, in my opinion.

Speaking of movies, here's a short list of some I've seen recently and what I (in short) think about them:

Repo, the genetic opera - A cool movie musical with interesting visuals, entertaining music (though not world class), and a pretty inventive story. Graverobber by far the character I liked the most. I would say most people can probbly find something to be amused by in this film, but it is probably best liked by those who want their cinematic art to be on te gothic side.

The dutchess - If you like period pieces you are in for a TREAT if you rent this stunning movie set in the 18th century. It is based on the life of a real person and gets pretty dark at times, but it is a captivating story framed by beautiful sets and costumes.

The spirit - Well... if you liked Sin city, chances are you'll like this one too. It's basically the same sort of movie, with an even weirder and more superhero like plot. I'm not sure myself what I think about it, but I didn't NOT enjoy watching it, so, as I said, if you like Sin City I suggest you check this one out too.

NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind - Hayao Miyazaki doing his thing. This might actually be my favourite of all his movies, and I strongly recommend it to any anime fan (psst, it's a GREAT movie to use if you want to show a newbie how much fun anime can be). It's beautifully animated, the story is more understandable in any Miyazaki movie I've seen except maybe Howl's moving castle, and that one he didn't think of himself. All in all, a great movie.

Well, that was all of them for now. On to the next subject!

Now, I really love Tarot. I mean, the cards are beautiful, and it's kind of peaceful to lay them out to answer a question. Someimes it can be pretty enlightening too, and at other times it is pretty useless. Like now. I asked what I should do to become more focused in my studies, and as far as I coul interpret the cards the answer was somethin along the lines of "just do it." Very helpful...

Seriously though, I am in deep, deep shit schoolwise. I just can seem to focus so all the practising I should be doing is NOT getting done, and I'm just feeling pretty lost at the moment.

Ofcourse it doesn't help that we've finally gotten our game consoles working and now have a ton ofvideo games to play. I mean, video games kicks practicing's ASS.

I think that is about all I have to say at the moment, take care of yourselves!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A lot of vampires

Hello dear peeps! (and Hanna!)

Today, right now, I will try to talk a bit about movies and tvshows, just because I feel like doing it and it's my turn to write so I can do it. Moahahahaha.


Today I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I love the movies if I don't put them against the books then I just start thinking about how much they have left out. And that makes me hate the movies or the makers of the movies. But I still like the movies a lot.
But the books are still a lot better.
I should really read the books again, just because.

I bought the Twilight movie some time ago. (Why do I feel like people are going to kill me for this?) I watched it with my best friend that was here and well it's a pretty good movie. I do like it a bit. I've been watching TheLoveHateSociety on youtube and they have been reviewing Twilight and well....pretty much everyone hated it and thought it was crap. I don't think it's total crap. It could be better but still.

I have also been watching True Blood which is also about vampires and such. The Vampires in True Blood are very different from the Twilight-vampires. They are not really as pretty. I love the series and all you who like vampire-stuff should really check it out.

Soon I'll probably start watching Angel and Buffy. Wait and see.

Here's the trailer for New Moon. I think it looks good. Just sayin'


Friday, September 11, 2009



Sorry, school's been a bit rough this week.

God, music can be so DULL sometimes. I keep getting the singing technique wrong so everything feel extremely uncomfprtable, not to mention the heaps of musical theory that I have to cram into my head, plus rythm and pitch. Yes peaople, I have lessons on rythm and pitch. Oh, and musical history, but I still have high hopes for that subject since history is fun. If I get really lucky we'll talk some about castrati singers, a subject that for some reason fascinates me.

Anyway, now it's weekend and I am happy, happy, happy! Me and the girlfriend made pizza (that tasted great) and then sat and watched 2001, A space odyssey on youtube. A guy at school said he liked it, and I remembered it as sucking ass so I decided to rewatch it again to see if maybe was just too young to get it the last time I saw it, but no, I still think it sucks. It was great fun to watch it with my beloved though, since snarking at bad movies can be very amusing.

Dunno what else to say right now because I'm really tired and will enjoy going to bed A LOT. There is a special magic in knowing that I won't have to get up in the morning.

G'night folks!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I miss her!

Hi sweet peas!

How are you all today?

I myself am pretty okay. I miss Nelle a lot right now 'cause she doesn't have internet and can't even text right now so I have no way of being in contact with her right now. And no, I can not call her cause that would totally kill my phonebill and I would be broke after that. Oh, I hate phone as you might remember so that's not even possible.
I don't know how I will survive this month. I'm used to talking to her everyday on messenger and now I can't.

Not. Funny.

Nice to have you back, Hanna! I did miss you!

Next post I write will have a real topic. Like a book or movie or...something. I don't know exactly what it will be yet, but I'll think about it. If you have some idea then please comment below and tell me!
Thank you!


Time: 19:15

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Dear readers, and Emma

So sorry everyone! I've been pretty busy lately, and I'm still not used to not living with my parents. All those things that just sort of got taken care of before, now I have to do them.

Also, since I'm living with my girlfriend I sort of tend to do stuff together with her when there is time to spare, so the "me" time gets even more eaten. This is not a bad thing, I love spending time with my girlfriend, but it does make it a little more difficult to do all the stuff I used to do in my alone time.

Also, I've made a deal with a friend of mine saying that if she stops eating candy I will deliver her one chapter a week of her favourite fanfic (have I talked about this before? I don't know) so basicly whenever I do get some time write stuff, it's mostly that.

So there you have it peeps, I am slow because I am pretty busy right now, but I'll definitively try to update more frequently!



Hi peeps!

It's me again. Hanna has died. NO, she has not but I have no idea why she has not been blogging, and it's been a week. I thought I should just tell you that we are still alive, well, I am. Oh, I am so funny today.

Now, I am going to go and wash of all of the make up I have on my face and then read a book. Good Night, dear readers!


Time: 1:30 AM