Friday, July 31, 2009

Internet is a good thing.

I suggest that you all go and watch the trailer in Hanna's last post because it made me cry. I really feel that I do have to read that book and of course see the movie, when that time comes.

Right now I don't really feel like talking or writing which is pretty sad. Sorry, but I just felt a need to write a post anyway. Since it's the last day of July. Summer is almost over. Soon it's back to school or work or whatever one does. For me it's school.

This autumn is a bit different for me. This time a lot of my friends are moving away to start studying in another country or city. It's a bit hard for me. To see them leave and move away. But maybe I'll live.

Thank God for the internet, right?


Time: 11:57 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009

The time traveler's wife

Dear readers

Emma, since you are indeed right in saying that this blog is turning into Harry Potter central, I am happy to say that I will be writing about something quite different today.

Thanks to youtube I just got some great news: One of my favourite books of all time has been turned into a movie!

I know some people think that we should stop turning books into movies because they are never as good as the original, but I don't agree, because some of my favourite movies are adaptations of books or comics.

Hellboy 2, the Golden Army for example, is a comic book adaptation.

P.S I love you was originally a book.

The princess bride was also a book from the beginning.

Twilight is an example where I think the movie is good and the book amusingly awful, I also prefer the Lord of the Rings movies to the books.

Captain Blood was a book.

Gone with the wind was a book. (I actually remembered Gone with the wind as being really bad, but upon re-watching it with friends I found it quite entertaining. Nothing I'd watch alone, but it's great fun with company.)

I think what you need to do is not to look at wether or not the movie folows the book exactly (P.S I love you, for example, differs quite a lot from the book) but wether or not the essence of the story is still there. Does it invoke the same feelings in you as the book? Do you feel the same about the characters? If that is true, I think it is a good adaptation.

Now, to the book I was talking about in the beginning, The time traveler's wife. I can't even begin to explain this book, so I'm not even going to try. What I will say is that it is perhaps the only story involving time travel that makes perfect sense to me, and it is a heartbreakingly beautiful love story that has carved it's own special little place in my heart.

I stumbled upon the trailer for the upcoming movie on youtube, and I am absolutely extatic. If the movie is only a third as good as the book, it will still be brilliant and leave me in a state of tear-stained bliss in the movie theatre. I recommend you all to read the book, and at least I will look forward to this movie with more excitemet than the twilighters look forward to New Moon, and that is saying something.

Here is the trailer that has gotten my spirits up so high. Enjoy!

P.S The youtube vid is a little weirdly formatted, a piece on the side gets cut off for some reason, but it's perfectly viewable. Look it up on youtube if you want the entire picture. D.S

Monday, July 20, 2009

A bit about Harry Potter.

This blog has turned into Harry Potter central! xD I do not complain though. I love Harry Potter. I wouldn't be the person I am if it weren't for HP. Or know the people I know and love. I wouldn't know dear Hanna either.
Yes, it was Harry Potter that brought us two together. And of course the fact that she is dating a VPFPH-girl.
Ah the ways one gets to know people in.

But Harry Potter has brought so many people together, and it's good. Harry Potter is a BIG part of my life.

I mean I do write fan fiction. I do read fan fiction. I do watch the movies. I do follow some of the movie stars on Twitter. I do fangirl over Harry Potter. I do like wizardrock.

I did get my mum to read the books (she has read the second book now. I am so proud of her.).

And I have read the books more then once, though not HBP and DH, but that will probably happen in the near future.

I can thank Harry for a lot. And JK too of course for writing the books and making my life so much better.

And giving me a group where I truly belong.


Time: 10:13 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well... I wouldn't know what to answer to that Harry Potter question.

Dear readers

I have been puppy-sitting and am now exhausted. You do NOT sleep well with a litter of puppies sleeping next to you... especially not when they get hungry. They were cute as hell, naturally, but now I am wiped out, which is a pity since I was supposed to go with my girlfriend and have dinner with a couple of other friends and I just don't have the energy.

I wouldn't have been this tired if it wasn't for that bloody Harry Potter premiere that I went to in the middle of the night because of my nerdy girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I thought the movie was full of awesomesauce, but it got very late and we couldn't sleep afterwards. Plus, all the fans wailed like banshees every goddamn time something Harry Potter-related came up on the screen BEFORE THE MOVIE EVEN STARTED.

It is not good for my psyche to be exposed to that feeling of madness in the air that fills any room crammed with overexited fans.

Peace, love and grow your own goat.*

*Anyone who gets that reference gets a cookie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truth or Fail: Harry Potter edition!

I'm not gonna say much today. Though I will give you this youtube video and you should watch it. How much do you know about Harry Potter? Find out now!

I love that gameshow!


Time: 10:02 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear readers

Emma was just kind enough to remind me that it was my turn to write, and since I'm just sitting around being rather useless at the moment I might take the time to blog some.

Today I went out walking in a short, tight dress, which might not seem like a big deal to most of you, but to me it really is. I don't feel very good about my body, so it's a pretty big step for me to show myself in any kind of revealing clothing at all. It really sucks that so many people have to feel so bad about how they look, don't you think?

Another first is that right now I was singing (really singing, using my full capacity) for the first time in a long while. I'm singing along to the musical Oklahoma, one of my absolute fav musicals. The 1999 version with Hugh Jackman in, the version I personally prefer, you really should see it.

I'll finish (as usual) with some youtube material. Two vids this time, one is a clip from Oklahoma just to show how awesome it is, and the other is a trailer for a fanfic me and my girlfriend have started to write.

I hope you're all well and happy.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Feeling old at 21.

So first of all I am going to tell you that I am now a year older which is not fun at all. Feeling old at 21 is not fun. And I know that I should not feel old at all but I just can't help it. I mean, really! My birthday was the 1st of July if you want to save it in your calender or something. I don't like birthdays at all. For the record.

Second of all, I'm sorry for not blogging. I have been thinking about it but then there has been so much stuff in my way, like the two fanfiction that Hanna linked in her last post (the first one is so cute and the other one is also very lovely and I am still reading it, it's looong.) and I watch Hana Yori Dango. And I am now totally in a different world.

So yay for that!

Yesterday I got a new phone! Which I love veeery much!

Lovely isn't it?


Time: 1:53 AM