Saturday, December 11, 2010

Omg, a post!

Nope, we refuse to give up! This blog will stay alive! (also, thank you so much for your kind words on that other blog of yours, Emma! <3)

As it sometimes is, I have a whole lot going on that I could write about, and that might even be interesting, but that I don't really want to share with the entire internet.

So, what to write about then? I've started playing World of Warcraft again, for the... third time, I think. It's with that as it is with all computer/videogames I play, I'm not very good at it, but I think it's great fun. I don't really have any skill for gaming at all, but I just love it so, so much!

Almost wet my pants with exitement when the copy of Fable 3 that my brother had ordered arrived. Unfortunately I tend to get the urge to sit down by the xbox about the same times my brother does, and the console is his, so I haven't played it as much as I'd like.

Also I have a test coming up pretty soon about the history of Rome so I should probably stay clear from temptation during the coming week. (Yes, I am going to fail, but I need my little illusions).

I'm still loving my education a lot, and I've been doing well so far, if I may say so myself. However I am having quite the freak-out over this upcoming test because it is freakin' HUGE. I have a lot of stuff to cram into my head and I have a paralyzing fear that I won't be able to do it. And to add some flavour, my record so far looks like this: first test B, second test A, so if I can get another A I might get that for this entire term. That would rule of course, but it is making my nerves go all over the damn place, and I got plenty nervous the first two times as it was!

Anyways, wrapping this babbly little post up right about now, take care!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

There's light

Hello dead blog!

Well, since my last post there has been a lot of stuff happening. Like for example I did get the job I was talking about so I have been working ever since. It has been so nice to finally have a job and have something else to do then just sit at home infront of the computer all the time.I love it. And I have to say that it's nice to get money too.

In November I tried to do NaNoWriMo again this year but I must say that it didn't really go that well and I failed pretty badly. I just didn't have the time to sit down and really get a grip on the thought I had. But I am going to try next year because I do like NaNo.

That's all I have to say right now. Not much, but more will come in the future of this blog. I am not letting this die completely.

Love, Emma

Time: 7:57

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What to call this?

So, the blog no longer looks like crap, yaaay!

Through some heroic fiddling I managed to get it looking somewhat decent again, I truly am worthy of some sort of medal!

So glad to hear you got that job, eventhough I was too out of the loop to even know about your interview, dear Emma! I've been pretty much away from the internet, seeing as I've spent several days hanging out with a friend. It was actually really good for me, I think my brain needed a good long rest.

Now I just need to get my ass in gear and catch up with school, I've been waiting forever for all my books to arrive and now they're finally all here. Archaeology equals an awful lot of reading. No way am I going to get everything read for tomorrow's lecture, it's several chapters from several books, so it's just not happening unless I stay up late and I am way too tired to do that. Also, I am probably coming down with a cold.

Anyways, I'm going to go make some tea and get some of the reading done, though I'm not sure I'll get anything since the chronology is kind of messed up for me. Wish me luck I guess!


Monday, September 6, 2010

FrontierVille madness

Hello peeps!

I'm here again! Yay for that I guess! For the past few days I have been obbsessed with the game FrontierVille on Facebook. Do you know the game? I've been totally hooked! I have to check it all the time and I can't stop! It's completely insane and I am going insane over it! xD

I don't get much stuff done because of that...not good. Even now I am sitting and waiting for my energy to go up so that I can continue playing. It takes ages! So annoying!

I have a job interview tomorrow and it's making me nervous. I really hope I get it. Wish me luck! :)

Oh, and I (or Hanna) will take a look at the blogdesign at some point. As soon as one of us has the energy to do that. lol. xD

Have fun!


Time: 1:00

Monday, August 16, 2010

A long time ago...

I tried my hand a vlogging. It didn't turn out so well and I got scared away. Now I'm giving it another shot. It's a little scary.

I don't know what else to write, I kind of just wanted to share that. Sorry for not being more interesting this time, will try to do better next time xD

Check me out if you like

Friday, August 6, 2010

Awesome is AWESOME!

YAY for the fact that we're both back and writing in this blog again!

I've missed this blog a bit, I must say. It's nice writing a blog with someone instead of having one alone (well I have that too, but still).

So what have I been up to lately. Well I have just finished watching season 1 of Glee and I am in love with it. If you don't already know this about me I love music, song and dance so Glee is perfect for me. I haven't done much of anything else during the past few days. It just made me all happy inside and that I really needed. So if you haven't seen Glee then I suggest that you get a hold of it and watch it! Just sayin'!

And I must agree with Hanna about True Blood being an awesome series. It's funny and awesome. And I love it!

Now I am just tired and I totally need to move a bit. I have been sitting for a while now. Talk to you all later!


Ps. I know that the design is crappy right now...


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back in the game

Hello world!

It has been an eventful summer, to say the least. I'm single again, it was very painful to begin with but now I'm rather pleased with the state of things. This was the main reason I didn't feel like I could keep my end of this blog up.

I've discovered that I think True Blood is beyond awesome (not exactly GOOD since I spend a lot of time laughing at all the ridiculous stuff, but things don't have to be good to be awesome) and have a raging fancrush on Alexander SkarsgÄrd.

I'm going to study archaeology come fall, and I am really, really, really excited about it.

I'm still trying to write a book, but I think this time I might actually do it, won't talk much about it here though because then I'll just end up failing.

I've started to play the viola and I love it.

Just a short summary of where I'm at right now. Glad to be back.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


Both me and Hanna have very busy lives so we are taking a break from this blog for a while. But we will be back!

Have fun!

time: 15:09

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Three parts

Hello world! I'm back again!

This post will come in three parts! (okay I have been watching too many vlogs...)

Part 1

Hanna mentioned The Time Traveler's Wife a couple of posts back and I saw the movie in a store a while ago. At that time I was pretty much broke so I couldn't buy it but I totally would have if I could have! I still so want to read that book also and I realized that I could get my brother to find it (he works at a library) and get it for me! Why didn't I think of that earlier?!

Part 2

I think it's amazing that you, Hanna (yes I will mention you in every part of this blogpost...), are writing music again! You are so talented and amazing! Keep on doing your thing and DFTBA!

Part 3

I watched a movie last night that I've been planning to watch for ages but never got the chance. Now I bought it yesterday and just couldn't wait to sit down and watch it. So I did. I liked it A LOT. I didn't cry as much as I thought I might. But I did cry a bit. A very good movie.

The movie was P.S. I love you. Thank you, Hanna, for telling me that I should see it! You were right.

Love, Emma

Time: 12:03

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sorry, sorry, sorry

Dear readers

It's been a while now. A long while.I've been quite busy. I'm moving back down to Stockholm, and my personal life has been riding a terrifying rollercoaster for weeks now. So really, the title of this post should be something else, because I'm really not all that sorry to be quite honest. A lot of stuff happened that I would never put in this blog, and very little happened that I actually want to write about.

Anyway, I've started to write music again, and that makes me happy, I've also done seome serious checking out of the webside, hopefully you'll be able to buy my stuff on there one of these days, but for now I'm just browsing all the incredibly fun music that can be found there. I discovered a new band, and will buy as many of their records as I can as soon as I get some money. Check them out if you like:

Not much else to write about now, I'll try to be more interesting next time.

Love, Hanna

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do ToK

That's all for now. That's so awesome!


Time: 16:52

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Script frenzy, more Sully, old movies and more

Dear readers

Hrm, yes, Dr. Quinn... Sorry about that, but it's too awesome to keep to yourself! And I still have a crush on Sully, how can I resist?

Another dude I have a crush on is Jesus in the awesome webshow "Mr. Deity". It's sort of the same format as The Guild and you can find it on youtube (strangely their season two is not up on their channel and the website they link to has taken the videos down, so I had to watch the episode on another account because someone else had uploaded it... weird). I strongly recommend you check it out, it's so funny! It's a humorous yet informative spin on what daily life might be like for god, and I am totally in love with it. (And as I said, I think Jesus is hot).

And because I can't think of a smooth transition I'll just hurtle on to the next subject, I'm doing Script Frenzy this year, and I'm hoping that it'll suit me better than NaNo. NaNo was awesome because I met a lot of new friends, but I don't really feel like it did much for me as a writer. I'll probably do it next year too anyway for the heckk of it though.

So because of the Frenzy I've started to read a lot of movies and watching even more movies than I already do, and I have started to discover a whole treasure trove of awesome older movies (to ad to those that I already like). I'll leave you all with one of my favourite movie clips EVER (haven't seen the whole movie yet but trust me, I will), and wish you health and happiness! Embedding has been deactivated for this particular vid, so I'll ´just post a link.


Friday, March 5, 2010


Hello dear readers!

I am sitting at the computer with nothing to do (yeah right) so I thought I should make a little blogpost now that I seem to have some time.

I've been very busy this week and it's not over yet. More stuff is planned and I will not be at home much at all! Very weird. I am not used to a lot of happenings. But it has been a lot of fun! I have met some awesome people and it has been so amazing!

SOMEONE (not giving any names here...She knows who she is...) got me to watch Dr. Quinn a while ago and I am so in love with the series! I have watched it years ago when I was little and I remember that I loved it, so it is so much fun to watch it again. They don't make series like this anymore. If I remember correctly I had a bit of a crush on Sully when I was younger...

Yeah. That's all for now.


Time: 1:41

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Dear readers,

Wow... I'm in this mood where I actually really want to blog, but I'm not exactly sure what I want to say. I guess it's just a need to express something, whatever that something may be, and I'm not really inspired enough to try to turn that energy into writing any form of fiction.

I've gotten into another period of reading massive amounts of fanfiction however, ironically enough HP stuff. I am not really emotionally connected to those books att all, but I'll be damned if I'm not consuming huge amounts of fiction based on the characters. Actually just two, Draco and Hermione. Something about that pairing just keeps me coming back for more, eventhough most of the stories doesn't even depict the characters as I remember them from the books at all. I have yet to find a fic where Draco is anything but a creature of sublime beauty and incredible intelligence (this goes for the fics I like too actually)... Not really the guy I pictured him to be.
When it comes to Hermione people just seem to have this aversion to the word "brown", her eyes and hair are described with a multitude of words of varying degrees of appropriateness but hardly ever are they said to be just plain old brown.

But I'm not going to sit here and bitch about everything that's "wrong" with Draco/Hermione fics, or just fanfiction in general. People write what they want, and most of the time it just so happens that it's not what I want. Yet another reason to get back to my writing, I suppose.

Therefore, to change the subject slightly: I've gotten myself an account on Library Thing, where you catalogue your books online, and see who else owns the same books as you and stuff along those lines. It is strangely addictive:

In a few days I will once more try my hand at classic roleplaying, the kind with dices and actually seeing the people you're playing with. Call of Cthulu. I feel sorry for the others in the gang, because I suck at this kind of thing. HARD. But apparently that's ok and they still want me there, so yay for me having awesome friends!

I think I'll actually just wrap this thing up now, see y'all later!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Not a drop of alcohol

Hello dear peeps!

Not gonna say I'm sorry for not blogging, cause then I will just be saying it all the time and you will all get bored. Haha. And probably hate me.

I read all the Twilight books again. I don't know why I did it but I did. And a while ago Twilight and New Moon gave me a heartattack by falling from my shelf in the middle of the night. I was not happy. And they are still on the floor because I am that lazy. They wanted to kill themselves.

Just for the record, I don't hate the books or the movies for that matter. I don't love them either, but I don't hate them. I'm just not a person that hate stuff I guess. I think it's fun that the books create such big emotions in people. And divide people in to two groups. Those who hate and those who love.
And they are always fighting!

Okay, enough of Twilight.

Tomorrow my mom has been sober for 21 years. Not a drop of alcohol in 21 years. Pretty awesome, ey? Gonna celebrate that a bit tomorrow which is awesome! And I'm gonna have to cancel on my friends that asked me for a drink tomorrow...I totally forgot that I already had plans when one of them asked me. I so rarely have anything to do.

I'll figure something out.

Have fun!


Time: 23:48

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dear readers

I don't know if you remember, but a while back I posted a youtube video that was a trailer for an upcoming movie, The Timetraveler's Wife. I was really excited that they'd made the movie, since it is based on one of my absolute all time favourite books.

I tried to keep track of the movie to see if it came here to Sweden and yet I still managed to miss that it was apparently released here in bloddy OCTOBER! I'm pretty sad right now because it was one of those movie-releases that I really looked forward to on a personal level. I don't fangirl that many thing that intensely really, so it was a pretty sad experience for me to realise that when something that really means something to me was coming here, I missed it despite my best efforts not to. I've actually been wondering for months what the hell happened to that movie. Well, now I know.

I saw Twilight four or five times in the theatre, and I don't even like those books (the shock of how much better I thought the movie was kept me coming back, plus, those movies makes me happy), and I didn't even get to see this one once. Speaking of the Twilight-movies, does anyone know if Stephenie Meyers gets some kind of percentage on the movies' incomes? Because then I may have to stop watching them. Apparently SM gives ten percent of her income to her church, a church that works actively to decrease gay rights in America.

The DVD of The Timetraveler's Wife is released tomorrow, so I guess that's something. A friend of mine has said that the movie really isn't that good and that the book is way better, but people tend to say that and often I find myself disagreeing, so I'll keep my hopes up. Now I'll finish off this post with once again posting the beautiful trailer.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Sorry for being a bad blogger again. There has been so much happening lately (hrhm, i wonder if anyone believe me...) Well anyways.

I've been watching a lot of anime lately and one that I really like at the moment is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. It's so good! I recommend it to everyone!

I love the opening song too. It's just so good!


Time: 18:44

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm back!

Hello, dear blog, dear readers, dear Emma.
I’m sorry it’s taken me such a long while to get back to writing here, but life has been happening all around me so I haven’t found the time to do this.
2010 is looking to be an odd year, but a good one. I need to cut some things out of my schedule so I get more time on my hands, because I’ve been really stressed out lately. These last couple of days were downright scary. Every morning I went back to sleep after waking up, and kept sleeping all day! Waking up at four in the afternoon, not quite sure how that happened, is not a pleasant feeling at all, I can tell you guys.

Right now I’m waiting for the wife to get home, she’s had a really rough day today, a big test and absolutely no sleep at all (I should know, I was keeping her company). We’re both absolutely knackered so this night’s activities will probably only be us chowing down on some fast-food before falling into a coma.

I’ll start wrapping things up now because I just acutely ran out of things to say. I promise I’ll be more interesting next time. I’ll finish with recommending you a really awesome book: Suite Scarlett, by Maureen Johnson. It’s witty and fun and manages to create characters that are really exceptional but still feel like real people that you can relate to and understand. It’s warm and welcoming and really draws you in. My only problem with it is that, like many books with teenage main characters, a lot of the plot evolves around people getting caught up in their own lies, and I have a real hard time tackling that kind of plot, but that is just personal preference and I still liked the characters enough to keep reading even when all I wanted was to give all of them a good smack.
So, Suite Scarlett, check it out!

Oh, and here is a little youtube clip that NEVER fails to both crack me up and piss me off at the same time. I mean, when you actually think about the fact that these lines are meant to be taken seriously, and probably were considered to be romantic at the time, then there is nothing funny about it at all, it’s just depressing. But still… I can’t help but laugh at it, because it’s just that stupid.

Friday, January 8, 2010

First post of 2010!

Hello everyone!

First I want to apologize for being away for so long. New Years and stuff just came in the way and I just had to concentrate on life...BUT now I am back again and will be writing blogpost again. Let's be happy about that, shall we! I hope that Hanna will come back would be sad to blog alone, when this is a two person blog...

Just sayin'

So, how was your New Years? Mine was awesome! Even if it was cold and I lost all feeling in my fingers at some point, but I still had a lot of fun with my friends and awesome people. I would not change anything.

So 2010 is now here and it's pretty cool. This will totally be my year (I might say that every year...). But I do really think that this year will be amazing!

Now I will go eat something. Have fun everyone!


Time: 1:12 PM.