Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dear readers

I don't know if you remember, but a while back I posted a youtube video that was a trailer for an upcoming movie, The Timetraveler's Wife. I was really excited that they'd made the movie, since it is based on one of my absolute all time favourite books.

I tried to keep track of the movie to see if it came here to Sweden and yet I still managed to miss that it was apparently released here in bloddy OCTOBER! I'm pretty sad right now because it was one of those movie-releases that I really looked forward to on a personal level. I don't fangirl that many thing that intensely really, so it was a pretty sad experience for me to realise that when something that really means something to me was coming here, I missed it despite my best efforts not to. I've actually been wondering for months what the hell happened to that movie. Well, now I know.

I saw Twilight four or five times in the theatre, and I don't even like those books (the shock of how much better I thought the movie was kept me coming back, plus, those movies makes me happy), and I didn't even get to see this one once. Speaking of the Twilight-movies, does anyone know if Stephenie Meyers gets some kind of percentage on the movies' incomes? Because then I may have to stop watching them. Apparently SM gives ten percent of her income to her church, a church that works actively to decrease gay rights in America.

The DVD of The Timetraveler's Wife is released tomorrow, so I guess that's something. A friend of mine has said that the movie really isn't that good and that the book is way better, but people tend to say that and often I find myself disagreeing, so I'll keep my hopes up. Now I'll finish off this post with once again posting the beautiful trailer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you! This is Emma the Twilight nerd speaking. XD

    About that... of course Stephenie Meyer gets a percentage on the movies' incomes; it's her idea and her books, so I'm sure her contract with Summit gives her quite a bit of the cake as well. As far as the trusty Google tells me, it hasn't been confirmed by SM that she gives 10% of her income to her church, but since that's apparently customary for Mormons, it's probably safe to assume that she does indeed give them some of her income.

    I read the original article that picked up this issue on, and... well, personally I definitely do NOT wish to be "funding hatred" of any kind, but I'm also being realistic. Let's face it-- it's just not possible to control where all your money goes. You never know what people will do with their money, and thus it's impossible to avoid to (indirectly) support something you don't want to support. You could be buying something from someone and have them use it for whatever stupid thing they want and there's nothing you can do about it. I can see the point in avoid adding to SM's income since you ~know~ that some of that likely will end up at the Mormons, but there's still a possibility that you will end up "supporting" something equally bad in some other way. To truly not risk "funding any hatred", you'd have to stop buying things at all.

    See my point? :)
