Saturday, October 31, 2009

NaNo kick-off1

I'm a little nervous, because tonight I'm going to a kick-off for all ofus up here where I live who are participating in NaNoWriMo. I'm looking forward to it a lot, but I'm pretty shy and it will be a lot of people I've never met before.

Otherwise nothing much is happening. I'm waiting for approval to join an RPG site, again, something that makes me pretty nervous since I quit RPG:ing years ago because it wasn't good for me. Now I'm attempting a "comeback" of sorts and it scares me a little.

Good luck this november, all of you who are also participating in NaNo! And of course a special good luck to you, Emma!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Old clothes...

I am feeling like a bad blogger. Sorry.

I have been thinking about maybe getting rid of some old clothes that don't fit anymore and that I just don't use. If you know me then you know that I get really attached to stuff I own and I pretty much hate giving away stuff. So it's a bit hard for me to even think about giving away clothes that I have loved a lot in my life.

But then again I really need to get some space in my closet to make room for new lovely clothes.

And if I sell the clothes I get some money and that is always good...right?

This is so hard.

Btw, have a nice Halloween!


Time: 6:54 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just because

So people, it's time to blog again.

As usual I'm not quite sure what to write about, I'm not particularly inspired these days. My girlfriend is making me tea, and then she's going out to get takeaway. She's my angel and I don't know what I'd do without her, I don't even have to come with eventhough it's cold and dark outside. I'll have to think up some way to make it up to her later.

We've been a bit sad today, separation-angst. The funny thing is, we've been having sepration angst over something that won't happen for like a year and a half.

You see, my girlfriend will have to move to another town because of her education. It sucks, but I try to stay positive. Hopefuly we'll still be able to be together weekends and such.

I've done the whole long-distance relationships bit before. It sucked. On the other hand, my previous relationship was pretty fucked up all over, so hopefully this time, when I'm in a more stable relationship, it will be different.

On a more positive note, I'm getting all worked up about the next Assassin's creed game, eenthough I haven't actually played the entire first game! I love Assassin's creed, but the one in my family to possess it was my brother, and not me, and for some reason I never got around to finishing it when I still lived with my family. Now I have no X-box 360, but I can still dream and drool, can't I?

Well, I'll finish with a music video. I don't knowif I've posted it before, but it's awesome enough to repeat anyway.


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today I am going to tell you about ChartJackers (because I support them on my twitter...and I think that they are pretty much awesome and everyone should know about them.).

"Youtube legends Johnny, Jimmy, Charlie and Alex have got ten weeks to crowd-source a number one single for Children In Need. With no money or industry experience, can they do it?"

The song is made and you can hear it in this video on youtube. Now they just need to get it played on radiostations and stuff like that. They are at the moment making the musicvideo. BBC Switch is making a documetary about the whole thing.

It's for Children In Need.

I love the idea to make something with the help of people all around the world. People have been able to send in clips to them for the musicvideo. It's awesome!

Check them out now!
Here are some links to webpages:

BBC Switch ChartJackers
BBC Switch on youtube
ChartJackers on youtube


Time: 03:01 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009


Good day folks!

Thanks muchly for the support, Emma, you're an angel!

The consert went okay, I think this might have been the first time I sang having no friggin' clue wether or not it sounded okay. I know it sounds weird, but I really couldn't tell. The recording I made turned out to be crappy, so I couldn't really tell from that either.

Today I have this sort of evaluation-talk thingy and I'm a little nervous. I don't really want to know how I'm doing since I feel like I'm doing crap. I'm not going to whine about it more than I already have.

It's lunch time now, but I don't feel like eating. I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat. I will though, so don't get worried.

I'm getting pretty cought up in NaNo now actually, since Emma got me to join. Hopefully it will make November more fun for me. My mother has been very supportive, saying that it's a good idea. She really thinks I should go for the whole writing bit. I don't know what I want, and I'm not sure I want to seriously try that too and find that it's just another things I'm not good enough to fully accomplish. We'll see.

Anyway, I'll go eat no. Take care of yourselves y'all!


Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hello peeps!

I'm sorry that I am blogging this late but I have had a busy day, and I originally planned on blogging yesterday but since Hanna did that I chose to do it today instead. I might have done it tomorrow instead but, nah.

I have to tell you about one thing that happened today. I was talking to a friend on the subway and I noticed a pin on her bag and it read And I got surprised and she asked if I was a member, I said yes. Then we got into talking and i asked her if she knew about VPFPH. I always do that to people that know of fefo or hoggy.

I never thought that she would say yes! IN FINLAND FFS! And she even recognized my username. And Nelle's and Emelie's and Emy's and so many others.

This does it! VPFPH is the shit!

Before I go I just have to say one thing. HANNA! You are amazing! And I love you! And I know it's hard sometimes but you can do it! Drink a lot of warm tea and get your girlfriend to give you a long hug for me (just 'cause I can't do it myself!)!


Time: 11:20 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm sorry, as usual, you guys for not posting for a couple of days. I probably should have gotten a guest-blogger to stand in for me but I just haven't had the energy.

I'm sick at the moment, and pretty banged up mentally too. I have a consert tomorrow that I have no idea how to get through and I'm just feeling pretty untalented and useless at the moment. I'm not sure if I should ever have tried to study music, because I don't think I've ever felt this bad about singing.

I shouldn't have said yes to doing the consert tomorrow, but now I have no idea how to get out of it, or even if I can. I need rest. Thankfully I'll have a whole week off soon which is a great relief. I need to not be in school for a while.

I don't know what else to say so I'll just logg off now.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


YES! We did it! Another week is behind us!

Celebrating by listening to Believe - Folder5. It's a great song and it makes me happy. I will put the musicvideo in the end of this post for you guys. If you have watched the anime One Piece you might recognize the song. If you have not watched One Piece I suggest that you go and do that 'cause it is one of the best things in this world. I love it, and so does my brother.

And in other news totally off topic: I want to learn sign language. Just sayin'.

And here's the vid for you guys! Have a gr8 sunday!


Time: 18:23

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Damn it!

Hello all, I'm so sorry for busting the nice momentum we all had going.

I'm sorry to say that my very promising week turned into a rather shitty one. I had a panic attack the night between monday and tuesday and that sort of set my entire system back for the rest of the week, and blogging wasn't exactly a priority. I was just trying to start to feel good again.

Having a visitor is still fun though! She and the girlfriend are out buying us something to drink right now so I decided to make use of this alone time to write a little.

I really don't have anything else to say though. I've been unwell, and now I'm getting better, sorry for the delay in updates.


P.S Here's a Nuada/Nuala vid my girlfriend made. It's awesome! D.S

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I don't have time for a job...

Hello sweeties!

I am almost already failing the whole blogging thing...It's not wednesday anymore and I feel like I have let everyone down. It's in the middle of the night (1:51) over here and I should be sleeping. Well it doesn't really matter when I don't really need to get up early, but still. It's good to sleep.

I do not have a busy life! At all! I just somehow seem to forget stuff and yeah...but I am blogging now...

I have a friend that said to me that I don't seem to have time for a job. And he's pretty much right because I do too much stuff on the internet to have time to work 9-5 or anything else. My whole internetlife will die if I get a job (or a life for that matter...)!

I totally need a internetjob or something like that.

The NERD has spoken!



Time: 1:57

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hello folks, another week has begun!

I'm really tired and actually have a ton of studying to do tonight (I have a test tomorrow and as per usual I've been puttng studying for it off) but there is still plenty to be exited about this week!

1. We are getting a visit from a very good friend :D

2. I've gotten myself a gymcard so I'll try to get a hold of myself and start training. I really need it, the muscles in my back are not nearly as strong as they need to be for me to be able to sing effectively. Plus, all these yummy milkshakes my beloved keeps making are going to turn me into a human beach-ball if I don't start getting some exersize. I know that healthy food is the real key to stay slim, but I'd rather be happy than thin as log as I'm not unwell. I would not be happy without milkshake.

3. Singing went really well today I think, will sit down in a while and take notes on the recording from my individual lesson. The other singers where really sweet about me during the group lesson, they're awesome!

4. I've learned a song partly in Gaelic! Will record as soon as I have the guitar parts down pat. Am contemplating sending it to Tom Felton with a message along the lines of, "I'm singing in GAELIC and it's still easier to learn than your songs!" but that would probaby be a bad idea.

Well, I'll let that be all and stop procastrinating now, time to get cracking on those studies!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am in such a good mood!

Hello peeps!

There's something I want to mention now because of the fact that it makes me pretty happy and proud. I am so proud of me and Hanna that we managed to write 4 blogposts this week! She wrote two and I wrote two (this one is my second)! We did talk about it last week and decided that we really need to do something about the blog and us not writing properly in it, so YAY!

Today I was at a Business Building Seminar. It was AWESOME! I met amazing people and heard amazing speakers and now I am totally ready to do stuff and change my life. Mats Holmberg is such a good speaker. He's amazing!
Enough about that.
And on my way home from the thing I took the wrong train. I don't know how I could do that.

I'm home alone right now. I don't know where my little brother is. He should be home, but he is not.

That's all for me today!


Time: 20:26

Friday, October 9, 2009


It is late late LATE and the reason that I'm still up is because my dearest girlfriend is up studying ad I can't be bothered with going to sleep, evethough I'm actually pretty tired.

I'm a litle sad too since my shoulder is messed up (probably from playing too much guitar) and I have to go see a naprapath tomorrow... or today really. Hopefully he can help me and gie some tips on how not to hurt myself, because I really love playing the guitar and it would be such a shame if I had to stop.

Right now I'm a little muddled so I don't really know what to say more, I'll just leave y'all with this incredibly charming music video!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Big Bang!

Hello peeps! (I could try to call you something else but peeps just always sounds the best.)

I did some shopping today, and no, I do not shop very often. I mostly just buy some stuff of the internet. I find stuff better that way, but this time I knew what I wanted and from where so I went. I bought Microsoft Office. I need Word to function properly! I am, as some of you know, a girl that write a lot of stuff and I really need to have a good program for that, and Word is the best in my opinion. I have written on Open Office and Works and even Notepad, but they just aren't the same thing as Word. So I had to have it. And I even got a wireless mouse with it. Not bad!

I also bought a awesome scarf. Colourful and awesome! I have started liking colour on my clothes more and more these days. There has been a time when I almost always wore black...and even today I am completely black...not the socks though, they are pink!

Enough said today.
Here's a musicvideo for you all. BIG BANG!

Time: 21:06

Monday, October 5, 2009


Oh, come on Emma, it's not that strange that I didn't know about Tom's music. I haven't been a Harry Potter fan for years and I have definitively not been that interested in the movies, so I wasn't really all that interested in Tom until he showed up in HBP all grown up and hot. I'm a bit of a sexist prick that way.

Objectifying of men aside I am in a bit of a hurry this time, I was working on my music theory homework for the past three lessons and I really needed a break so I decided to update this blog, but I need to get back to work real quick because I must go to bed soon too. It's all part of my plan to get some structure into my life. Let's all see how long I can keep it up, my guess is a couple of days.

I need to start getting in a couple of hours of singing practise a day, and when I start taking piano lessons I'm supposed to practise that too. Plus thw folk-singing I'm doing on the side (main subject bein classical music). I have no idea how to make it all fit together, and I relly don't want to have to let the folk-music go because it's so much fun.

Anyway, have to get back to work now, I'll leave you with the Legolas/Arwen vid that was actually the first one I saw, the one that opened my eyes to the epicness of the pairing.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

He's almost too good...

Hello peeps and Hanna!

Today is a dark and rainy day so I thought I could brighten my day by being good and writing a blogpost for this blog.

Yes, Tom Felton makes music and he's also pretty good at it. I saw that same video in a blog some time ago and the first thing that came to mind was that it's unfair if he's very good at singing. I mean, he's an amazing actor and even good looking (and has a pretty girlfriend too...this I know thanks to his twitter.) so it would be nice if he left something for the rest of us. But no, he's good. I like him. He's good at everything he does!
I am a bit chocked that you, Hanna, didn't know that. I have known for ages!

These days pretty much everyone has twitter, even J.K. Rowling has one. For me that is a big deal!

That's all for today!
Have fun, sweets!


time: 17:48