Saturday, August 29, 2009

what a life

Hi peeps!

I know it's very late but I'm sitting at my dad's waiting for a movie to start. I'm gonna watch it with dad in the big tv he has in the livingroom. (yes, we have a little one in this room too...and a computer as you see...haha). And I thought I might aswell do something good while waiting.

Hanna! I am so happy that you enjoy school and that you feel that it's right for you! It's really great! Because you are such an amazing singer and you have a voice to kill for!
I just have to tell you that I played some of the song you have on youtube to my mom one day and she really liked them and your voice.

All this talk about school remind me that I should contact my school. I'm so lazy...

Today I have just been sitting here playing The Sims and watched some One Piece. And a korean movie.
What a life I live.

Have fun!

Time 11:30 PM

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey there everyone!

New school, new singing techniques, new pretty much everything!

There is just so much going on right now that I'm all exhausted (might also have something to do with the fact that I'm not getting enough sleep due to being and idiot and staying up). I really love my new school so far. For the first time I am truly enjoying myself whilst getting an education, and I'm starting to think that maybe music might be the thing for me after all.

You see, I have always been into music, and I do mean always, but lately I have been torn this way and that, trying to figure out what I really want. Anyway, this year will definitively answer the question "Do I want to work with music." We'll all have to wait and see to find out the answer.

Come visit us soon, Emma!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Johnny Durham

Hello dear peeps!

How are you all today?

I'm here to link to this place and tell you that you should love all the t-shirts over there. I have one of them and it's amazing. If you go to the family page and look there you might be able to find a little surprise over there. This requires that you know me and how I look, but still. I got all happy when I saw it. It feels so cool to see myself there.

Johnny Durham is a great guy. With great t-shirts.

I almost fangirl him. Almost.

That's all for today.

time: 19:05

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rise of Legends

Dear readers

Today me and Lotten bought a new computer game, Rise of Legends, and it so many kinds of awesome so far.

Some idiot had scribbled the webadress to some nazi website on a door we passed on our way home today. Lotten spat on it, and she was damn right to do so. I am getting so sick of the fact that they are fucking everywhere spouting their idiot beliefs.

What more to say? We're both incredibly annoyed that the sextoys we ordered still haven't arrived, but the people from the shop have been absolutely lovely towards us and have promised to check what has happened. If you understand Swedish I strongly recommend you visit the site here.

I really don't know what else to write, so I'll let this be a pretty short update.

Take care everyone!


Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello peeeps!

First of all I have to link to this blogpost that Hanna tweeted a couple of minutes ago. It totally made my day! I haven't laughed that hard in a while! I could not have that on my wall. I would get nightmares.

Secondly, I don't know. Talking with Hanna on msn about phones and how I have two eventhough I don't really like phones. Calling people is not fun at all. I hate it. So I understand you, Hanna. I know it's hard to call people you don't know.

And Twitter is awesome to the max!

Just saying.


Time: 17:58

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Holy crap, I've gotten myself a twitter account!

Other than that absolutely nothing is happening. Lotten is off to her first day at university so I'm basically home alone wasting my own time doing useless things. Like getting a twitter account.

I have to call our landlord too since we have a weird smell in our bahroom. I hate calling people. I have a mild phobia of phones.

Hope you're all having a more interesting day than me. Cheers!

So jokes and Looking for Alaska

Click here to get to this video on Youtube.

Hello Peeeps! There's some great music for you to enjoy! I like Hank Green and those songs are just lovely. And I will probably get the cd too at some point.

I have the book "Looking for Alaska" which is written by John Green (Hank's brother). I like the book a lot.

Here's what it's about:
Before. Miles "Pudge" Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave "the Great Perhaps" even more (François Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then. . . . After. Nothing is ever the same.

The whole obsession with last words. I like it. I just like obsession for some reason. AND the book cover is so beautiful. The one with the candle. Yes, I do look at book covers. I can almost just buy a book because of the cover. If the cover is beautiful then I might just have to buy it. Haha.
I'm not normal.

Have fun!


Time: 11:08

Monday, August 17, 2009


Yay for our pretty new background!

Dear readers, I am a little scared right now. I've explained why in my personal blog, so I'll just link there: link

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A bit of change.

Hello peeps!

As you see I changed the colours a bit to get a bit of change. Do you like it?

I am talking with both Hanna and Lotten on msn. Now that they live in the same apartment this is possible. We talked about colours and the blog and Lotten liked the idea of making the blog PINK. So just to warn you all, don't get surprised if this blog one day turns pink.

The weather today makes me confused. First it rains a lot, then it's grey and now the sun is out. It's Finland. *headdesk*

Have a good day!


Time: 14:37

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quick update

Dear readers

Hey there everyone, I am now installed in my new appartment. It's small but cosy, and everything seems to be working out just fine, with a little speed-bump or two.

Thanks for your congratulations Emma dear!

Now I will tell you something that I tell all my friends: If you don't have Skype you really should get it so that I can talk to you! Sure MSN provides a similar service, but I think Skype is better (I might be deluding myself about that one though...).

This is just a fly-by update, I really don't have much to say. My bloody second-degree burn in the palm of my hand is still annoying as all hell, but at least it's healing and doesn't hurt. I will probably have a pretty interesting scar when it's all healed. I'm not complaining though (well, not much...) it could have been a lot worse.

Take care everyone, and beware the paper teacups!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yay for rain...not.

Hello Peeps (and Hanna)!

Ofcourse I will come and visit you (and your girlfriend) when you have settled in! There is no way to keep me from coming there and I know someone who also wants to come visit you. I will take her with me and come as soon as both of us have enough money and time. That, my friend, is a promise.

Last monday I was in Sweden and met some friends, like Hanna, her girlfriend (who now has gotten a name in the blog, Lotten), Nelle and Emelie. I had the best time and it was great! Sitting in a cafe drinking and talking is just lovely. Mostly I am the one that just sits and listens to the others and even this time.
I have to tell that I got a bit surprised when, I think it was Hanna, asked if I was okay. I said yes. I was better then okay. I was in heaven! I was in Sweden with the best peeps in the world! How could I not be fine?!
It was lovely seeing all of you! Love you all so much!

Oh, CONGRATULATIONS on getting engaged! That's really great! You guys really are the best couple in the world! (All pink and fluffy...)

Now I am waiting for a friend to come here, cause I don't wanna go out in the RAIN. Yes, it's raining and it's not fun. :( We might watch a movie or something. It's gonna be fun!

That's all for me today. Have fun!


Time: 16:34

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm back!

Dear readers

I have indeed been busy, with moving and also the recent trip to Visby (that I will tell you all about shortly). Thank you so much Emma darling for holding the fort. I know I can be a horrible blogbuddy at times, but hopefully you haven't gotten sick of me yet.

It was lovely to see you yesterday Emma, as it always is. Hopefully you will come and visit me in my new home too once I'm settled.

Tomorrow I will leave this house that has been my home since I was three years old for the last time in a long while. It feels strange, and I haven't quite grasped it yet. It's like it's not really happening or something like that. Now that I'm thinking about it it almost makes me want to cry, but really it's a good thing. Here is my chance to really find out if music is what I'm supposed to do, and I finally get to live with my girlfriend. We have been dreaming about that for ages!

By the way, have I anywhere mentioned that we got engaged? It's sort of semi-secret since we don't want our parents to get into a hissy-fit, but we bough ourselves a couple of beautiful necklaces (no, not rings, couldn't find nice ones in a price-class we could afford) and got engaged.

So, as I said, it's all good really, but big changes are always hard for me. Also, I have very strong ties to my family so it will be very difficult for me to be away from them.

Of course I will miss all my friends to, but parting from my family is still the most difficult part right now.

To write about a more cheerful subject, Pride this year was great fun. I went as a vampire again, but this time I was meant to symbolice Anne Rice vampires while Lotten was a Twilight vampire and another great friend who for now will be called K went as Spike from Buffy, just like she did last year.

We all had pretty signs and we had so much fun, though I was exhausted efterwards since I wore a long, black dress and boots with moderately high heels. It hurt. A lot.

Moving on to my first ever visit to Visby. In case we have some none-Swedish readers unfamiliar with the concept of the Medieval Week I will explain. A shitload of people (some of them in medieval clothing, or other types of costuming) go to Visby. There they can visit the market where a lot of beutiful stuff and a lot of yummy food is sold. There are loads of fun performances to see during the days and nights and you can take courses in for example medieval sowing or dancing. Oh, and there are tournaments.

Some people go mainly to get drunk a lot and meet with friends, since it is a huge social event. Being a near tee-totaler I wasn't particularly interested in that, but to each their own I say.

Me and Lotten (my girlfriend) were to tired to party much, even if she likes it a lot more than I do, because we were always running around doing things during the days.

One of the more spectacular performances was the "Fireshow", a free performance that the group TRiX does every year. It's a beloved Medieval Week tradition and literally thousands of people gather hours before it to get good places to sit. It was absolutely amazing. I looked around youtube for some footage, but there are only videos of last years show out there for now, and eventhough they are excellent considering the conditions they were filmed under, they still don't convey how extremely cool it is to be there anyway.

The same guys did an absolutely AWESOME show called Girl's night out. They are all very good looking young men so they have a huge following of girls (and boys) drooling over them, hence a show where they promised to be "A bit sexier, a bit more naked, and a bit more sensitive," but it was mostly a joke of course. They all showed up on stage in their underwear at times, which was apreciated by a huge part of the audience. One of them is very good at a form of acrobatics that involves a very large pole, so of course he performed an excellent striptease (Lotten gave him tip in his underwear after the show, which he thought was great fun) but when he made to take off his underwear all the other guys rushed in and carried him off the stage kicking and screaming. It was absolutely hilarious. The whole show was.

An honorary mentioning will also go to the choir Patriarkus for singing both beutiful and hilarious songs that was a delight to hear.

I saw a lot of cool/awesome/beautiful things, I really can't write about all of them, and I will probably return there next year to see more.

Unfortunately I got very sick the last couple of days so I lost an entire day to lying in bed an coughing. Lotten was sick too, but not as sick as me, so she was an absolute hero and went to fetch medicine and food for me.

Also, typing is a bit more difficult than it usually is, because on the boat back home I managed to spill extremely hot water all over my left hand. It's healing very quickly and I had ice on it for ages right after it happened so there aren't many blisters, but it still hurt like hell when it happened.

Anyway, that is pretty much all I can think of writing right now. I leave you with some footage of the TRiX boys, not from Medieval Week but it very much fits the mood of the place. The group playing is Patrask, a very talented medieval-styled band who also perfomed a lot in Visby.

Take care of yourselves!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes, me again.

Hello peeps!

It's me again. Sorry, I know that you were all waiting for Hanna to write because it's her turn but she's lost at the moment. Or well very busy with the real life she has and has no time to write blog posts. Sad but true. So I thought that I would cover for her a bit just so that this blog doesn't die completely.

So I'm going to go over to Sweden this Saturday and staying there until Wednesday. You don't know how happy that makes me right now! SO HAPPY!
I hope to be able to meet Hanna too again since she is moving far away to study and will live far away from Stockholm after that. So it would be lovely to be able to see her before she moves, and see her girlfriend too of course.
Nelle I will see. That's for sure. There has only been one time when I didn't see her when I was over and it felt wrong. So I really have to see her every time I am over.

Last Tuesday I met with a very good friend who is moving to Sweden next week. She is btw moving to the same place as Hanna which I thought was pretty funny when I heard that for the first time. It was fun seeing her but also hard knowing that I wont see her in a long time. I'm really going to miss her a lot.
She joins the group of people I miss every single day. They all pretty much live in Sweden.

I hope that the next post will be written by dear Hanna but one never knows. You all will just have to wait and see.


Time: August 07, 1:01 AM