Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What to call this?

So, the blog no longer looks like crap, yaaay!

Through some heroic fiddling I managed to get it looking somewhat decent again, I truly am worthy of some sort of medal!

So glad to hear you got that job, eventhough I was too out of the loop to even know about your interview, dear Emma! I've been pretty much away from the internet, seeing as I've spent several days hanging out with a friend. It was actually really good for me, I think my brain needed a good long rest.

Now I just need to get my ass in gear and catch up with school, I've been waiting forever for all my books to arrive and now they're finally all here. Archaeology equals an awful lot of reading. No way am I going to get everything read for tomorrow's lecture, it's several chapters from several books, so it's just not happening unless I stay up late and I am way too tired to do that. Also, I am probably coming down with a cold.

Anyways, I'm going to go make some tea and get some of the reading done, though I'm not sure I'll get anything since the chronology is kind of messed up for me. Wish me luck I guess!


Monday, September 6, 2010

FrontierVille madness

Hello peeps!

I'm here again! Yay for that I guess! For the past few days I have been obbsessed with the game FrontierVille on Facebook. Do you know the game? I've been totally hooked! I have to check it all the time and I can't stop! It's completely insane and I am going insane over it! xD

I don't get much stuff done because of that...not good. Even now I am sitting and waiting for my energy to go up so that I can continue playing. It takes ages! So annoying!

I have a job interview tomorrow and it's making me nervous. I really hope I get it. Wish me luck! :)

Oh, and I (or Hanna) will take a look at the blogdesign at some point. As soon as one of us has the energy to do that. lol. xD

Have fun!


Time: 1:00