Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just because

So people, it's time to blog again.

As usual I'm not quite sure what to write about, I'm not particularly inspired these days. My girlfriend is making me tea, and then she's going out to get takeaway. She's my angel and I don't know what I'd do without her, I don't even have to come with eventhough it's cold and dark outside. I'll have to think up some way to make it up to her later.

We've been a bit sad today, separation-angst. The funny thing is, we've been having sepration angst over something that won't happen for like a year and a half.

You see, my girlfriend will have to move to another town because of her education. It sucks, but I try to stay positive. Hopefuly we'll still be able to be together weekends and such.

I've done the whole long-distance relationships bit before. It sucked. On the other hand, my previous relationship was pretty fucked up all over, so hopefully this time, when I'm in a more stable relationship, it will be different.

On a more positive note, I'm getting all worked up about the next Assassin's creed game, eenthough I haven't actually played the entire first game! I love Assassin's creed, but the one in my family to possess it was my brother, and not me, and for some reason I never got around to finishing it when I still lived with my family. Now I have no X-box 360, but I can still dream and drool, can't I?

Well, I'll finish with a music video. I don't knowif I've posted it before, but it's awesome enough to repeat anyway.


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