Sunday, September 20, 2009

Have no idea what to call this

Dear readers

Well Emma, I actualy adore the Twilight movie, so I don't hate you at all! I think it's wonderful and it's amongst my personal favourites, which is funny considering how bad I think the book is. The movie is to me the ultimate proof that there was actually not much wrong with the whole "high school girl falls in love with sparkling vampire" idea, it's just that Meyer didn't execute it very well, in my opinion.

Speaking of movies, here's a short list of some I've seen recently and what I (in short) think about them:

Repo, the genetic opera - A cool movie musical with interesting visuals, entertaining music (though not world class), and a pretty inventive story. Graverobber by far the character I liked the most. I would say most people can probbly find something to be amused by in this film, but it is probably best liked by those who want their cinematic art to be on te gothic side.

The dutchess - If you like period pieces you are in for a TREAT if you rent this stunning movie set in the 18th century. It is based on the life of a real person and gets pretty dark at times, but it is a captivating story framed by beautiful sets and costumes.

The spirit - Well... if you liked Sin city, chances are you'll like this one too. It's basically the same sort of movie, with an even weirder and more superhero like plot. I'm not sure myself what I think about it, but I didn't NOT enjoy watching it, so, as I said, if you like Sin City I suggest you check this one out too.

NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind - Hayao Miyazaki doing his thing. This might actually be my favourite of all his movies, and I strongly recommend it to any anime fan (psst, it's a GREAT movie to use if you want to show a newbie how much fun anime can be). It's beautifully animated, the story is more understandable in any Miyazaki movie I've seen except maybe Howl's moving castle, and that one he didn't think of himself. All in all, a great movie.

Well, that was all of them for now. On to the next subject!

Now, I really love Tarot. I mean, the cards are beautiful, and it's kind of peaceful to lay them out to answer a question. Someimes it can be pretty enlightening too, and at other times it is pretty useless. Like now. I asked what I should do to become more focused in my studies, and as far as I coul interpret the cards the answer was somethin along the lines of "just do it." Very helpful...

Seriously though, I am in deep, deep shit schoolwise. I just can seem to focus so all the practising I should be doing is NOT getting done, and I'm just feeling pretty lost at the moment.

Ofcourse it doesn't help that we've finally gotten our game consoles working and now have a ton ofvideo games to play. I mean, video games kicks practicing's ASS.

I think that is about all I have to say at the moment, take care of yourselves!


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