Friday, November 13, 2009

The fail is strong in this one

Okay peeps, this is how it is:

I have a life.

That's all the explanation I can offer you guys. I do stuff, meet up with the Rhinos quite a lot (the PiteƄ/LuleƄ NaNoers go by that name now)and wenesday I actually had a concert. Thankfully it went well, and now it's just on to the next one.

You see, november is very stressful. Not only am I swamped with NaNo (and I'm behind like shit now) but I also have a buttload of stuff in school and I don't really enjoy writing so much that I can live with only doing that in my spare time.

So when stuff gets like this, I don't think about updating blogs. I have called for complete radio silence on my LJ blog.

I should probably find someone who can fill in for me, but that is also not someting I'm really thinking about right now.

So I shall offer you guys a deal: I will try my hardest to manage the two posts a week I've said I will write, but if I fail I will at least attempt to make the posts I do remeber to post entertaining and about fun and interesting stuff.

That is my best offer, hope it's allright with you.

If any of you guys are into the environmental bit, here's a fun proect:

I probably won't remember to write one, but maybe some of you will? And maybe what you have to say can bring hope and inspiration to future generations? Who knows?

And it seems that I will be going to my very first Thanksgiving dinner this month, once of the Rhinos is Amercian and she felt like treating us all to food, which is awesome by me. Food is like... A god to me.

Quick List of Things Most Awesome

1. My girlfriend
2. My family
3. My friends
4. Food and sex

That is how much I love food (and yes, ranking fourth is HUGE, considering how much I love my girlfriend, family and friends).

I'll stop rambling for now, and leave you with this vid as a goodbye.

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