Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Yes, I'm saying that already, mostly because I will be very busy starting just about now and might not have time or will to blog at all over the hoidays.

Í have no idea what to say about anything right now, a lot of stuff is happening but I can't really think of a good way to summarize it in text. I had a "test" today, a sort of mock application as preparation for when the time comes to try and get in to university. The "video" posted in the end of this post is me singing the same song I performed then, with the same awesome guitarist, it's been such a pleasure working with him. Tomorrow I get feedback on my performance, and let me tell you guys, I am nervous.

I have another consert coming up with the folk ensemble, we'll be having a workshop with a band called Ranarim and then we get to warm up the stage for them. It's a pretty big deal, because they are big here in Sweden in that genre. Check them out if you want: http://www.myspace.com/ranarim

I'm thinking about trying to make some sort of website for myself as a musician, but I don't really have anything to put on there so it would feel kind of silly at this point. I really want to start trying to market myself as a singer and get gigs, but I have no clue how I'm supposed to accomplish that. Mayb the charity concert one of my friends is organizing could be a step in the right direction, on the other hand I won't really be able to perform as a classical singer there since I probably won't have anyone to play the piano or anything else to support me. Oh well, I'll think of something. Please join the facebook group to support the project! http://www.facebook.com/pages/#/group.php?gid=179229353717

I think that will be it, and if I don't check in, I wish you all a lovely Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Noticed your comment about wanting to market yourself as a singer and get gigs. You can get my free monthly newsletter on this topic from http://www.gig-getter.com

    Hope it helps

