Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dear readers

I can see you listening to that Emma. Not really my music though, but they were skilled.

Right now my life is filled with awesome things and very, very sad things all at once.

My grandfather is terribly ill, and he's probably dying. Nothing much to write about that really, it's just a long, terrible wait. It feels really strange to write about it here, because I feel like I sound so cold. Sometimes the written word can be so clumsy. But if I just kept prattling on about the good things that's happening without saying anything about this, that would feel wrong too.

The awesome thing is that I've been accepted to the school I wanted to go in. It means I'll be moving out of home, and in with my girlfriend. It also means that I'll finally be getting serious with music for real, which feels kind of cool.

The book in my constant presence these days is Gone with the wind, which I grabbed from the library because I remember thinking that the movie was awful and I wanted to check if the book was just as bad. It turns out that it is a rather interesting read, and that made me decide to re-watch the movie and see if I'd like it better this time around. Somehow I doubt that, but you never know.


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