Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Second but still first post.

Dear readers!

I am as you already might have guessed the other half of this colab blog which was my idea and Hanna just jumped in on the action. That is why I made her write the first post, even though it might have been a bad idea...Everything I write after that will sound like complete crap...

I can't compete with that!

So the first post should be a introduction right answering the question: who am I? Right?

I'm gonna tell you a little about myself and then there will come more in the future. I am a young adult which still blows my mind everytime, and no one ever believes that I am as old as I say that I am. This is because of my height. I am fine with it cause I can still travel as a child in the bus and stuff. (Which I of course do not do, but I COULD if I wanted to...)
I am a writer, so playing with words is my talent, or so people keep telling me and I don't always agree. But I have heard that I have talent and I still like doing it so whatever. Harry Potter fanfiction is close to my heart and I have written a lot, mostly in swedish.
Blogging is also very dear to me and I have been blogging for many years in different blogs. I tend to change blog every now and then when I get bored of the old one. This will not happen to this blog FYI.
I'm a nerd and nerdfighter and I love a lot of stuff that people do categorize as nerdy or just plain stupid. For example: Pokémon, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon and so on.

Hanna mentioned that she name thing like her guitar and stuff. I do that too! My computer is called Honey and my little Ipod Nano is called Baby-chan (it's pink, people!) Then I have another computer which is called Buddie (I didn't have to name him at all because it's written on him.). I still have stuff to name and it so much fun. They are my friends so they need names!
I'm not crazy!

And now I feel like I should stop writing before this blows up in my face or something. I'm just randomly telling you stuff. I blame at the time that right now is: 10:16 PM (In Finland, cause that is where I live.). Late, I know, and I should be sleeping and not making a blogpost. I was thinking about not writing this today but then I just started typing and yeah...the rest is history.

You can ask me if you want to know something.

Good Night!


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