Monday, April 27, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Hello dear Readers (or maybe just Hanna!)!

Hanna! You were the one that introduced me to the tales of mere existence and I am very happy about it, so thank you! And if you don't know what I am talking about then go check out Hannas last entry. It's worth it, I promise.

I just have to say that I love the tattoo! I have seen it a couple of times and I think it's very cool (it was even cooler with glitter and stuff...). I would like to know why you, Hanna, do not like tattoos. Just got curious. I myself am not at all against tattoos, even though I do not have the courage to get one myself. I am extremly scared of pain, so no tatoos for me. IF I would take one then I would maybe get a pair of wings on my back, because that would be pretty. Or ask Cokey to draw something cool, because she's such an amazing person at drawing.

Today the weather here has been killing me. Yes, it has been warm and pretty and sunny and I should not be complaining but...I just can't help it. It was too warm. It would have been fine if I had known in the morning and not taken a warm jacket on me when I left home. So it was warm and it made me tired. But it was lovely to be outside without a jacket. Summer is finally coming to Finland and I love it.

One more thing and then I will leave you. I have started reading Breaking Dawn now, and it's pretty much killing all the other life I have, as did the other books. So...this means that I will probably not do that much else then read for a while. I did not remember that it was this much fun to read. I might start reading a lot more in the future.
There might be more book stuff in this blog in the future. Wait and see.


Time: 7:13 PM.


  1. Wings on the back, eh? ^^
    Yeah agree it's pretty and it got a big meaning at least for me... that's why i want those. Just cost so freaking much.

    Just curious... is it because i told you that i wanted that kind of tattoo or was it long before that? :)

  2. I have wanted them for a while already so no not just 'cause you said so. I think that a friend has wings on her back. And Hyde has.
