Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Geek stuff

Dear readers

First of all, thank you Emma for your kindness, and I miss you too!
Secondly, If you haven't guessed it allready, I might as well come out and say that I am a huge movie geek. I love movies, would like to make them some time in the future. That is why I keep bringing up movies here in the blog. The reason I'm saying this is because here I go again.

Today I watched Wanted with the girlfriend, and good god was I annoyed! They had great actors, wonderful stuntwork, excellently designed sets and a crappy story to work with. Warning for spoilers. A fraternity of assassins that take their orders from "the loom of fate" - which is literally a loom. You know, the kind used to weave fabric - and take it completely on faith that whomever the loom decides should die (there is a form of code hidden in the way the threads lie in the weave) is wanted dead by fate itself and the world will be kept from falling into chaos because of what they do. The whole thing was really all about taking control of your life, and not being a "pussy." I don't know about you guys, but that came just a tad too close to the macho ideal of the manly man of manlyness to sit very well with me.
Especially when taking control means becoming a ruthless killing machine.

A good movie on the other hand, is Captain Blood, an old classic with Errol Flynn and Olivia De Haviland. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean you'll like this one, it is very obvious that the writers of that movie (and they have said so themselves) drew a lot of inspiration from Captain Blood. It's full of classic swashbucklery, adventure and romance, with the sort of wonderfully corny lines you just don't get these days. "Hi ho for the govenor's foot!"

Love, me hearties!

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