Sunday, April 12, 2009

Midnight sun and other stuff

Dear readers (yup, I'm going to do this every time)

Okay, so I'm going to stay with the Twilight saga for a little while longer, just because I enjoy poking it. Emma, you are very much entitled to your opinion (that I don't agree with) and I am not judging since I actually bought the books myself *gigglesnort*
The first one I actually aquired whilst standing in line for the Swedish release of Tales of Beedle the Bard. I am not a fan of J.K Rowling anymore so I wasn't really interested in buying it. I don't think her books are bad, but I don't want to read or pay for them, and I had stood in line for hours in the rain just because my girlfriend was going, and I think it made her happy that I was there. I'm not sure if my prescense made any difference, since she mostly flitted around to be with her many friends, but oh what the hey, anything for love and all that.
So anyway, I was wet, cold, tired and a little bit annoyed at a few fanbrats I won't say anything more about so I bought Twilight out of pure spite. I wanted it, for the lulz, but it felt particularly good to buy it then. It wasn't as good as Beedle, but it wasn't as expensive either and provided me with more entertainment than J.K's book would have, so I'd say I made the right decision.
I think I was getting at some kind of point there, but I forgot... *vapid look*
Anyway...personally I am delighted that Stephenie Meyer didn't finish Midnight sun, though I do think she's changed her mind about that and now will actually write it.
The reason I don't want that book out is because I've read some of it, and it completely ruined the character of Edward for me. You see, I kind of got to a place where I could overlook all the things that are wrong with Edward Cullen and commit the usual 'crime' of saying, "oh, well, he's a vampire so it's different for him," and actually kind of like the guy.
Midnight sun makes this impossible.
Because he is revealed to be a whiny asshole not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. He's basically the male version of Bella (yes, I think she is a whiny little brat, but that is just me). So I will be sad to see that book come out, because I'll probably read it out of sheer insanity.
I think all the movie's cut-outs were good and completely justified, and one of the things that made it (in my opinion) so superior to the book was that you weren't inside Bella's head so you didn't have to listen to her whine about absolutely everything. But that's me.

And aren't you a sweetheart for wanting to check out both Hellboy 2 and Nightwatch, Emma! The Night Watch and it's sequel The Day Watch have also been made into movies, and the last part, The Twilight Watch is in the making I think. Check those out too all of you people, I've seen the first one and if I remember it correctly it was pretty cool.

Anton and Boris are both names from Nightwatch, and I threw them at you just to see how you'd react.


1 comment:

  1. I'll watch Hellboy 2 as soon as i'll find some free time ...(i was waiting for Del Toro next movie since Pan's Labyrinth) but Twilight?
    I really hate this book...and i didn't see a movie so i don't know if i'd like it or not.
    Btw read this----
    and this
    World is a sad sad place...:(
