Thursday, April 30, 2009

"ew hetero."

First of all I will have to say that I hate small teenagers. Or well not all of them but the ones that laugh and point and are just stupid. There's nothing wrong with loving a woman if you are woman or loving a man if you are man. It's completely NORMAL.
And there has been a point in time when loving a man was concidered more beautiful then loving a woman.
So there.

I don't understand people who still react all stupidly if they see two women kissing or men kissing. It's just so childish and I just can't understand it.

Everyone should be allowed to love who they love and even show it in open. Without stares and stuff.

Maybe I should say "ew hetero" when I see a pair kissing on the street, just for the fun of it. It would be fun to see their faces.


Time: 6:52 PM.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear readers (and of course Emma)

I'll just warn everyone right here in the beginning that this post became a bit ranty as I wrote it.

Well, I don't like tatoos because of the way they look on people. They can be very pretty and all, but I can never get them to quite be a part of the person so it just looks strange and sort of scary to me.

Also, I have a very irrational aversion to change (I'm working on it, but I've got a long way to go) and so when my girlfriend wants to add something to her body (that I know every inch of and think is perfect just the way it is) it's a bit frightening. The thought of this... thing on her skin that can never be removed and that wasn't "supposed" to be there just makes me go "ick!" in a completely non-logical way. It's pretty silly, so I'm trying to ignore it.

I have many, many issues and I guess this is kind of a spin-off thing to them. I'm a heavily messed up person in general.

As for books, I'm trying to get back to reading myself. I borrowed a bunch of books in Swedish just to start remembering how the hell my own language works when aplied to literature. I've been writing in english for such a long while now that I've all but forgotten how to handle my own native tongue with any amount of elegance.

Amongst those books were The 120 Days in Sodom by Marquis de Sade. It's... interesting, to say the least. I was rather amused to find it in the library of the small town I live in. Sade himself seems to have been a creep (apparently he had an affair with a 13 year old, for example) and the book promises to be pretty creepy too. Time will tell if I actually get through it.

I also went to the movies tonight with the girlfriend, and I saw 17 again. It was kind of funny that they had Zac Efron playing basketball and doing a little dance-number too (and the fact that he had his shirt of in the first scene was obvious fanservice) but he did a great job, as did all the other actors. I strongly recommend you guys to go see it.

The night was a bit ruined by the fact that we had a bunch of teenagers giggling at us and being all "ew lesbians" on the bus-ride home. I'm getting very sick of it. People have laughed at almost everthing about me most of my life. The fact that I read a lot, the fact that I'm into music (playing the violin when you're ten can be a fearful thing) and the fact that I'm apparently ugly. Now they're even laughing at my love. And I feel like shit, because I am just too damn tired, and afraid of these little punks that can't really do anything to me, that I can't summon up the power to just turn around and ask them to shut the fuck up. I want to ask that little girl who's demonstratively snogging her boyfriend and giggling and whispering "disgusting" what it is that scares her so much, because I can hear the fear behind that nervous little twitter that she tries to pass off as laughter. I want to ask the guy who points at us and makes discusted faces at his friends what the problem is, and I want to ask them why, if they think they have the right to do what they do, they can't even do it to our faces. They do it behind our backs, thinking that we won't notice.

And a twist to all of this (in my world) is that they can't know that I'm mentally ill and just might end up twitching in my bedroom in something similar to an epileptic attack because of what they do, and they can't know that my girlfriend might have to call in sick to her job as a personal assistant because she's so tired from spending the night trying to get me to breathe properly that she's afraid to go to work because you just can't screw up in her job, and that means that in turn the day of a gravely handicaped little girl and her father gets screwed up. They can't know this, but actually they don't care. They don't care what consequenses their actions has, because I'm just a disgusting lesbian. Because really, if they cared it should be enough that maybe what they do would make me sad.

The other day on the bus a bunch of (in my eyes) pretty ridiculous looking teenagers got on, and my friend said something along the lines of "brat alert," and I couldn't stop a smirk from appearing. I hoped fervently that they hadn't thought I was laughing at them, that they hadn't seen me, that no one got hurt. Because I don't think I have the right to judge them because of something they do that's not really hurting anyone.

I can't change the fact that I'm gay. I don't want to change it, since it allows me to share my life with one of the most incredible persons I've ever met. That makes me happy.

But I am not happy about being a soldier in a war that I never started, and that I have no real wish to participate in. I have no quarrel with straight people, I think they should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and love. I just want to be able to do the same thing and I can't understand why it would pain some people so much to just let me. I'm not hurting anyone.

I don't want to be afraid.

I don't want people to laugh at my love.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Hello dear Readers (or maybe just Hanna!)!

Hanna! You were the one that introduced me to the tales of mere existence and I am very happy about it, so thank you! And if you don't know what I am talking about then go check out Hannas last entry. It's worth it, I promise.

I just have to say that I love the tattoo! I have seen it a couple of times and I think it's very cool (it was even cooler with glitter and stuff...). I would like to know why you, Hanna, do not like tattoos. Just got curious. I myself am not at all against tattoos, even though I do not have the courage to get one myself. I am extremly scared of pain, so no tatoos for me. IF I would take one then I would maybe get a pair of wings on my back, because that would be pretty. Or ask Cokey to draw something cool, because she's such an amazing person at drawing.

Today the weather here has been killing me. Yes, it has been warm and pretty and sunny and I should not be complaining but...I just can't help it. It was too warm. It would have been fine if I had known in the morning and not taken a warm jacket on me when I left home. So it was warm and it made me tired. But it was lovely to be outside without a jacket. Summer is finally coming to Finland and I love it.

One more thing and then I will leave you. I have started reading Breaking Dawn now, and it's pretty much killing all the other life I have, as did the other books. So...this means that I will probably not do that much else then read for a while. I did not remember that it was this much fun to read. I might start reading a lot more in the future.
There might be more book stuff in this blog in the future. Wait and see.


Time: 7:13 PM.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tales of mere existence

Since Emma posted a vid I thought I'd counter with one of my own. I'd also like to agree that the vlogbrothers are indeed awesome.

I love the tales of mere existence videos, and if you liked this one, or just got vurious, here is where you can find the rest.

My girlfriend has ordered her second tatoo. Her first one is on her back and it's a quote from a poem by Sir Edward Dyer I sent her to cheer her up when we were still just friends and she was unhappily in love with someone else. This time she wants to tatoo a quote from one of my songs on her collarbone. While I am flattered, I'm not too happy about it, since I'm not a fan of tatoos at all. Not that it matters, since she is of course free to do whatever she wants with her body, I just felt like venting a little about it since it is making me sad.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love that video and the song. I think that it is amazing and I have listened to it a lot of times these past few days. It's different and that makes it so good. You all should watch and listen and then tell me what you think of it.
You should of course also go and watch all vlogbrothers videos because they are amazing and also check out Michael Aranda.

I feel like a big youtube-nerd. Nerdfighter!

Don't Forget To Be Awesome!


Time: 3:30 PM.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I want a mic

I'm pretty sure I've meantioned that I'm into music. Well, amongst other things I create Wizardrock (a musical subculture centered around the Harry Potter books).
This is pretty ironic, since I really don't like those books that much at all. The back story is basically that my girlfriend is a huge fan of the books, and I wrote a song as a present to her. She liked it a lot, and so did I, so I kept going.
It's basically me assuming a very warped Peter Pettigrew persona that hasn't got a lot to do with the actual character in the books (since my version is more a psychotic badass than a pathetic coward) and mocking the marauders, since I think those guys sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls.
Anyway, I have major recording problems, and that annoys me. Hopefully I'll get to perform this summer however, and that will be neat. Hopefully all my wonderful friends will be there to shield me from all the angry fangirls that will want to explain to me very violently that Sirius Black is a nice guy!
This was a very random little babble, but that is because I'm not very structured today since I didn't get much sleep tonight and had to get up in the morning to go visit my grandfather who is very ill. I don't really know how to write about it, because it's all so huge and complicated and sad, and nothing I say will sound quite right. So I'll just stop talking now.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Locked in...

Good morning everyone!

I'm right now at my friends place or her fathers to be correct, and she left for school so I am all alone. I'm not complaining. I have a computer and music so I'm going to survive. 8 or 9 hours until she's home again, and I can't go out either because then I can't get in. She has the key. I'm locked in, in a way.

But this apartment is pretty awesome. So I will be fine.

I have a lot of Enya on my Ipod for the moment. Loving it. Right now: Dominator vs Enya. It's a remix. Sounds pretty cool.

Captain Blood sounds interesting. Hmm. Maybe I should check it out. I do love movies a lot, but for some odd reason I do not watch movies that much, or even go to the cinema. Even if there are a lot of movies I want to see. Maybe I should change that. ...or well when I have the money to do that. Right now I am pretty broke. Or I will be once I get the planetickets to sweden.

And now I am just rambling. Sorry.

Have a good day!


Time: 10:08 AM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Geek stuff

Dear readers

First of all, thank you Emma for your kindness, and I miss you too!
Secondly, If you haven't guessed it allready, I might as well come out and say that I am a huge movie geek. I love movies, would like to make them some time in the future. That is why I keep bringing up movies here in the blog. The reason I'm saying this is because here I go again.

Today I watched Wanted with the girlfriend, and good god was I annoyed! They had great actors, wonderful stuntwork, excellently designed sets and a crappy story to work with. Warning for spoilers. A fraternity of assassins that take their orders from "the loom of fate" - which is literally a loom. You know, the kind used to weave fabric - and take it completely on faith that whomever the loom decides should die (there is a form of code hidden in the way the threads lie in the weave) is wanted dead by fate itself and the world will be kept from falling into chaos because of what they do. The whole thing was really all about taking control of your life, and not being a "pussy." I don't know about you guys, but that came just a tad too close to the macho ideal of the manly man of manlyness to sit very well with me.
Especially when taking control means becoming a ruthless killing machine.

A good movie on the other hand, is Captain Blood, an old classic with Errol Flynn and Olivia De Haviland. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean you'll like this one, it is very obvious that the writers of that movie (and they have said so themselves) drew a lot of inspiration from Captain Blood. It's full of classic swashbucklery, adventure and romance, with the sort of wonderfully corny lines you just don't get these days. "Hi ho for the govenor's foot!"

Love, me hearties!

five minutes

Hey peeps!

I'm very happy to have Hanna back in the blog. I started feeling a bit lonely for awhile and it was not fun. But it's okay, Hanna! You are forgiven!

I'm at my job right now and I have about five minutes to write something smart and yeah, well we all see that it's not going that well at all.
Listening to this right now and loving it. It makes me smile. And that's good.

I have heard you, Hanna, read out loud and it was very good. Thinking about that made me miss you even more. I hate that I live so far away, in another land. Why is Sweden so far away?

This is probably not that interesting to anyone else exept Hanna. Maybe. Sometimes like this I guess.


Time: 8:57 AM

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Dear readers

I am so, so sorry! I have been busy and/or forgetful the last few days and that is why I haven't been blogging. All I can do is beg your forgiveness.

This might have to be another short post, because again I am writing waiting for my girlfriend to come back from the bathroom. We are going to huddle up in my bed and I will read The Princess Bride to her out loud. It's one of my absolute favourite books in all the world, and an absolutely brilliant film was made as well. I think the movie is so awesome because it was the author of the book that wrote the scrips aswell.

I love reading out loud, and thankfully I have a lifepartner who likes to listen. I guess it might be kind of vain to like the sound of my own voice, but I really do like having someone just listening to me, sometimes for hours. I don't know why, but I really like it. My girlfriend says I'm good at reading out loud. I don't know if that's true, but I sure hope so since I make her listen to me quite often.

My favourite thing about Japanese is the word thatg literally means "to test a new sword on someone who just happens to be passing by." Isn't that great? I'm sorry to say I don't know the actual word.

Now she is back, and I will go and read to her. Again, I'm so sorry! I hope you'll all forgive me (and especially Emma).


Beyond Polite Japanese

Hi, it's me, Emma, again. I have no idea why Hanna has not been blogging at all, and that's why I haven't been blogging over here. I was waiting for her to do it. To keep the balance of the blog, but now its been so many days, and I feel sorry for you guys! So I am writing!

I bought two books on friday. One Japanese Dictionary and one that is called Beyond Polite Japanese. It's so cool! (oh, FYI, I do want to learn japanese so that is why I bought them and like them so much.)
I found a cool sentence in Beyond Polite Japanese that I want to share with you people.

Aitsu wa onna-tarashi de, nannin no onna o nakasete kita ka wakaranai zo.
He's a love 'em leave 'em kinda guy. No telling how many hearts he's broken.

That totally made me think of Sirius. Is it just me? That's the Harry Potter fan in me talking.

My dad is making bread at the moment and it's lovely. He makes really good bread and food in general. I did not get his talent...but my brother did. I think. But I do want to learn. The only thing I can make is macaroni and cheese.

Have a good day!


PS. I do hope that Hanna does write the next post. DS.

Time: 7:16PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Good day!

Almost I guess. If I had slept good last night and thought that I had lost my classring, then it would be a good day. I really really hate loosing stuff so I got really sad when I noticed that I didn't have my ring on my finger. I stared looking for it and first I didn't find it, but then S. came and helped me look and we found it. At that point I was in panicmode and tears were gathering in my eyes. So that pretty much ruined my day.

Almost anyway.

I and S. talked about relationships today. How one can have a long-distansrelationship and meet his/her boyfriend/girlfriend through the internet these days. When our mothers and fathers were young that was not possible in the same way as it is today, and I think that is pretty interesting. They met their partner in the little village they lived in, not somewhere in the world. Miles away.
There is so much more possibilities today than there were back then.
I think that it's fun. It's fun to get to know people from different countries and backgrounds.

That was my deep thought of the day, or something. Tell me what you think.

My computer is making me crazy right now. It's buzzing. I wanna scream and throw it through the window. But I wont.


PS. Say Hi to your girlfriend from me next time you see/talk to her! DS.

Time: 6:28 PM


Dear readers

So I thought I'd drop a quick little post while I'm waiting for my girlfriend to come to come to bed.

My life isn't exactly full of action either these days. I am going to a party the day after tomorrow, and I'll be dressed up as Selene from Underworld, a very cool movie that I like a lot. Especially since I checked out the extra material on the DVD, some of the stunwork was very cleverly worked out.

I haven't read all of Beedle, just a couple of the stories. They do seem to be pretty cute, yes.

Now the life partner is here so I'll be going off to the bathroom and then it's sleepy time for me. Sorry for the extreme briefness of this post, but waiting is so boring. I'll have something juicier for you next time, I promise.

Oh, and Bachaboska, I did check the links you sent me and it made me very sad. Still, thank you for sharing.


Monday, April 13, 2009


Good Evening everyone!

Right now there is something pulling me away from my computer and towards my brothers room. Oh, right, it's my new found love for The Sims 2 Pets. So I will probably not make this very long. Yeah. It feels really weird to have a strong will to do something else then sit infront of this box. This does not happen often so I am really not used to this.

Tales of Beedle the Bard! Have you read it, Hanna? I know that you didn't buy it that time, but have you read it afterwards? It's pretty cute so I think you should. I mean it's not that thick either. I just had to comment on that.
And I really think that it's funny that you bought another book at that time. Everyone were there to buy TBtB.

Today I have been to a artgallerything with my mum and a friend of hers and it was nice. Then I got icecream and tea at my mum's friends place. And then I have just been playing The Sims. My life is so much action. NOT.
Well, it's back to 'work' tomorrow so then there will be more action and stuff. It almost makes me happy.

So what have you been up to?


Time: 9:11PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Midnight sun and other stuff

Dear readers (yup, I'm going to do this every time)

Okay, so I'm going to stay with the Twilight saga for a little while longer, just because I enjoy poking it. Emma, you are very much entitled to your opinion (that I don't agree with) and I am not judging since I actually bought the books myself *gigglesnort*
The first one I actually aquired whilst standing in line for the Swedish release of Tales of Beedle the Bard. I am not a fan of J.K Rowling anymore so I wasn't really interested in buying it. I don't think her books are bad, but I don't want to read or pay for them, and I had stood in line for hours in the rain just because my girlfriend was going, and I think it made her happy that I was there. I'm not sure if my prescense made any difference, since she mostly flitted around to be with her many friends, but oh what the hey, anything for love and all that.
So anyway, I was wet, cold, tired and a little bit annoyed at a few fanbrats I won't say anything more about so I bought Twilight out of pure spite. I wanted it, for the lulz, but it felt particularly good to buy it then. It wasn't as good as Beedle, but it wasn't as expensive either and provided me with more entertainment than J.K's book would have, so I'd say I made the right decision.
I think I was getting at some kind of point there, but I forgot... *vapid look*
Anyway...personally I am delighted that Stephenie Meyer didn't finish Midnight sun, though I do think she's changed her mind about that and now will actually write it.
The reason I don't want that book out is because I've read some of it, and it completely ruined the character of Edward for me. You see, I kind of got to a place where I could overlook all the things that are wrong with Edward Cullen and commit the usual 'crime' of saying, "oh, well, he's a vampire so it's different for him," and actually kind of like the guy.
Midnight sun makes this impossible.
Because he is revealed to be a whiny asshole not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. He's basically the male version of Bella (yes, I think she is a whiny little brat, but that is just me). So I will be sad to see that book come out, because I'll probably read it out of sheer insanity.
I think all the movie's cut-outs were good and completely justified, and one of the things that made it (in my opinion) so superior to the book was that you weren't inside Bella's head so you didn't have to listen to her whine about absolutely everything. But that's me.

And aren't you a sweetheart for wanting to check out both Hellboy 2 and Nightwatch, Emma! The Night Watch and it's sequel The Day Watch have also been made into movies, and the last part, The Twilight Watch is in the making I think. Check those out too all of you people, I've seen the first one and if I remember it correctly it was pretty cool.

Anton and Boris are both names from Nightwatch, and I threw them at you just to see how you'd react.


Books and movies.

Now we opened the Twilight topic. Very good. I have not yet read the whole series. I have the last book still unread but I do own it so I can read it whenever I feel like doing it. I know that many say that they are complete poop and, well okay, there might be better books out there but I think the Twilight series is nice series. It's sweet.
And I think it's sad that she never finished writing Midnight Sun. I know that she did it because it got spread all across the internet unfinished. But still, I think it's sad. And I don't understand the person that did that.
And the Twilight movie I really enjoyed. There were a bit of stuff that weren't there even if it should have been and it maybe jumped a bit too much at points but still. I liked it. I was in a different world when I got out if the movie theatre. I think my friends thought I was crazy.

I'm starting to feel like I really need to see theat movie. The Hellboy movie that you, Hanna, so love. I have seen the first one but not the second one for some odd reason. But I'm gonna see if I can change that. Probably rent it or something. I think buying might be a bit too much.

If one knows me well they know that if I hear of a book/series of books I will check it out. This is like when I heard of Paper Towns (John Green, one half of the vlogbrothers) I felt like I really have to read it. So now that you told me about the Nightwatch trilogy...I feel like I really have to check it out. So I will do that.

Anton?! Boris?! Boris sounds russian to me...

Now I will go and eat some breakfast and watch Sailor Moon. Have a great day everyone!


Time: 1:10 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Just a short little post before our guests arrive to celebrate Easter.
I'll definitely look into the covenant, if it gave Emma a Twilight feel I just might like it. I love the Twilight movie, but I think the books are crap. Rather lovable crap in a way (at least the first book) but still more or less literary poop.
While we're on the subject of movies I'd like to urge everyone to see Hellboy 2, The Golden Army. It is my number one favourite movie in all the world and want it to be spread all over the world so that Guillermo Del Toro gets enough money to make a Hellboy 3.
Yes, that's right, I want him to get money, so buy it, or at least rent it! I am not against downloading, but in this case I will implore of you all to spend some money on this wonderful movie so that GDT can keep doing what he does best.
While you're at it, why not buy the first Hellboy movie as well?
Oh, and read the Nightwatch trilogy by Sergei Lukyanenko. It's a Russian urban fantasy that explores the subjects of Good and Evil in a very interesting and intelligent way. On the cover it says "J.K Rowling, Russian style...[a] cracking read" but I do think it kicks the Harry Potter books' collective asses. But that is of course my very subjective opinion, and I'm not a huge HP fan to begin with. I used to be, but then I lost interest. These books however I find very interesting, so now I'm telling you about them in the hope that you will to.
Happy Easter everyone!


P.S Emma, I say you name your cellphones Anton and Boris D.S

Friday, April 10, 2009


I have two cellphones I have to name! Please, don't ask me why I own two cellphones. I just have two.

I'm gonna make this short because my brother is waiting for me to come to the livingroom and watch Sailor Moon and I thought that I should also eat something at the same time. So no long post today.

I got home from a friends place a while ago and we watched two movies. First one called Just Buried. The only word that I came up with after that one was random, so it was a pretty random movie. It was okay.
The other one was called The Covenant. It had Twilight feeling to me because there were some scenes that really made me think of Twilight. I liked the movie so you all should see it.

So that has been my day today.
Now I will go and make my little brother happy. And my stomach.


Time: 11:01 PM.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What do I call this?

Dear readers
The sun is casting a dim light through mist that might be moisture in the air, or smoke from whatever it was that I smelt burning when I walked to see my friend to the bus-stop. I can see it through my window as I am typing, and it is quite a lovely sight. It looks almost like autumn outside now, with trees still barren, and brown leaves scattered all over the ground. But it’s a hopeful autumn, one without the dreary sense of departure.
Emma is way too modest when she says nothing she writes will compare to my avidly poetic and sometimes overworked prose, but it still made me feel very flattered that she would say that. Thank you honey!
My computer is named Zeke, after a character from the High school musical movies. That bloody trilogy is a guilty pleasure that I have no idea how I managed to acquire. A friend showed me High school musical to let me see the sheer horribleness of it, and I sat with a suitably frightened look on my face the entire thing through. Then, months later, me and my girlfriend decided to rent High school musical one and two just for laughs, and we found ourselves thinking that the movies were cute.
I still can’t believe it.
So, Zeke. My first computer was called Lorne after a character from the TV-series Angel, that I am a huge fan of. Except for when he was being naughty (and he often was) then his name was Lindsey (a character that many fans of the series would say doesn’t belong amongst the ranks of villains, but I place him there).
I’m thinking about naming my cell-phone The Comedian, after the Watchmen character, because it likes to sometimes play pranks on me that aren’t funny at all.
For example, this morning I was supposed to get up at four to see my girlfriend off to work, and we had set the time. Still we woke up at six with no idea how it had happened. Weirdest thing was that my bedside lamp was on, and I was lying on the wrong side of the bed… So okay, maybe it wasn’t the phone’s fault, I have no idea. I’m going to blame it anyway.
I’m going through a major phase of listening to the soundtrack of Disney’s Tarzan, it’s great writing to. It’s something about the drumbeats that makes my fingers fly over the keyboard like crazy. I’ve managed to hammer out a long awaited chapter to a Spike/Angel fanfic I’m writing based on this youtube video made by a very sweet person who allows me to play around with her idea and even links to my story. Awesome people are lovely to be around, don’t you think?
Now I can put that project a bit to rest again and focus on my “baby.” You see, I am a massive fan of the Hellboy movies, especially the second, and the fascinating tension and strange emotional undercurrents that passed between the villain and his twin sister has captivated me. This project too has lead to amazing creative exchanges, since some wonderful people on Deviantart actually drew pictures based on my story. I can’t believe it, and I feel so proud and honoured. Check out the art here and here if you like.
But enough promotion now.
I hope Easter brings you all joy, and a lot of candy. If you don’t celebrate Easter, I hope life in general brings you bliss.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Second but still first post.

Dear readers!

I am as you already might have guessed the other half of this colab blog which was my idea and Hanna just jumped in on the action. That is why I made her write the first post, even though it might have been a bad idea...Everything I write after that will sound like complete crap...

I can't compete with that!

So the first post should be a introduction right answering the question: who am I? Right?

I'm gonna tell you a little about myself and then there will come more in the future. I am a young adult which still blows my mind everytime, and no one ever believes that I am as old as I say that I am. This is because of my height. I am fine with it cause I can still travel as a child in the bus and stuff. (Which I of course do not do, but I COULD if I wanted to...)
I am a writer, so playing with words is my talent, or so people keep telling me and I don't always agree. But I have heard that I have talent and I still like doing it so whatever. Harry Potter fanfiction is close to my heart and I have written a lot, mostly in swedish.
Blogging is also very dear to me and I have been blogging for many years in different blogs. I tend to change blog every now and then when I get bored of the old one. This will not happen to this blog FYI.
I'm a nerd and nerdfighter and I love a lot of stuff that people do categorize as nerdy or just plain stupid. For example: Pokémon, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon and so on.

Hanna mentioned that she name thing like her guitar and stuff. I do that too! My computer is called Honey and my little Ipod Nano is called Baby-chan (it's pink, people!) Then I have another computer which is called Buddie (I didn't have to name him at all because it's written on him.). I still have stuff to name and it so much fun. They are my friends so they need names!
I'm not crazy!

And now I feel like I should stop writing before this blows up in my face or something. I'm just randomly telling you stuff. I blame at the time that right now is: 10:16 PM (In Finland, cause that is where I live.). Late, I know, and I should be sleeping and not making a blogpost. I was thinking about not writing this today but then I just started typing and yeah...the rest is history.

You can ask me if you want to know something.

Good Night!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First post

Dear reader, first posts are always a trial. What do you say?
People tell me I'm good with words, but most of the time I feel like they escape me. Like I should make myself clearer, or just generally express myself better. I try to be interesting, eloquent and funny, and yet I am always left with that nagging sensation that I've missed some key element that would have made whatever I was working on so much better.
I am a young woman amazed that she is no longer a girl, and most of the time quite unable to act like it. Music is my second nature, movies are my passion, painting is what I dream of and writing is what I'm best suited for. I don't know how to be anything but one of those flaky creative types (believe you me I have tried) and therefore I am in awe of all people capable of doing what I lovingly call "Other Stuff." Like for example understanding, and I mean really understanding math, or making sense of computers (and before you say anything, I know there are loads of creative people capable of understaning both math and computers, I'm generalising eventhough I know it's a very bad thing).
I tend to stay away from religion these days, I have concluded after some trial and error that it's not good for me. Nature is my place of worship (though I don't go there very often), I try to live by "The Golden Rule" and not fuck up the planet and/or other people in my efforts to make my way in this maze of a society that us humans have created. If there is a God or Godess, or even more of them, I have a "live and let live" policy. If they don't bother me, I won't bother them.
Politically I'd say I'm on the left side of the field with a "whatever makes the least amount of people miserable" kind of outlook.
Because people seem to find information like that relevant I might ad that I'm bisexual and currently in a very commited relationship with a woman. I want her to be the one I spend the rest of my life with.
I have a plethora of mental issues locked up in my head. A beastiarium of strange, frightening creatures that I will at times try to describe and name. I tend to do that. Name things, to give them an identity, a "face" if you will. My guitar is called Christian, and I think I might name my low self-esteem Igor, but that's a work in progress. Feel free to give me suggestions.
That's me I suppose, or at least the very, very short version of me. I hope you'll stay on and keep reading. Have a lovely day/night/morning/evening, and drop by again to read more posts by me and my wonderful friend Emma, whose idea it was to start a colab blog. Yes, reader, I do share this corner of the internet with someone, and it is all the better for it.
