Saturday, December 11, 2010

Omg, a post!

Nope, we refuse to give up! This blog will stay alive! (also, thank you so much for your kind words on that other blog of yours, Emma! <3)

As it sometimes is, I have a whole lot going on that I could write about, and that might even be interesting, but that I don't really want to share with the entire internet.

So, what to write about then? I've started playing World of Warcraft again, for the... third time, I think. It's with that as it is with all computer/videogames I play, I'm not very good at it, but I think it's great fun. I don't really have any skill for gaming at all, but I just love it so, so much!

Almost wet my pants with exitement when the copy of Fable 3 that my brother had ordered arrived. Unfortunately I tend to get the urge to sit down by the xbox about the same times my brother does, and the console is his, so I haven't played it as much as I'd like.

Also I have a test coming up pretty soon about the history of Rome so I should probably stay clear from temptation during the coming week. (Yes, I am going to fail, but I need my little illusions).

I'm still loving my education a lot, and I've been doing well so far, if I may say so myself. However I am having quite the freak-out over this upcoming test because it is freakin' HUGE. I have a lot of stuff to cram into my head and I have a paralyzing fear that I won't be able to do it. And to add some flavour, my record so far looks like this: first test B, second test A, so if I can get another A I might get that for this entire term. That would rule of course, but it is making my nerves go all over the damn place, and I got plenty nervous the first two times as it was!

Anyways, wrapping this babbly little post up right about now, take care!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

There's light

Hello dead blog!

Well, since my last post there has been a lot of stuff happening. Like for example I did get the job I was talking about so I have been working ever since. It has been so nice to finally have a job and have something else to do then just sit at home infront of the computer all the time.I love it. And I have to say that it's nice to get money too.

In November I tried to do NaNoWriMo again this year but I must say that it didn't really go that well and I failed pretty badly. I just didn't have the time to sit down and really get a grip on the thought I had. But I am going to try next year because I do like NaNo.

That's all I have to say right now. Not much, but more will come in the future of this blog. I am not letting this die completely.

Love, Emma

Time: 7:57