Friday, June 26, 2009

MORE Draco/Hermione

Yesssss, I'm spreading Draco/Hermione like a plague!

Dear readers

I have nothing mutch to report on life right now. Tomorrow I'm getting together with a bunch of friends to have dinner in a belated celebration of my birthday, and today I spent a wonderful day just chilling out with friends too.

Emma, of course I will write you a Draco/Hermione fic, as soon as I come up with a really good idea. For now you cen read these two instead, they're not written by me, but they're good:

Staring Bandit (Oneshot)

The Dragon's Bride (Novel length)

Also you can watch this vid that me and the girlfriend made, personally I think it's rather funny

Love, Hanna

Harry/Draco/Hermione: Tango Draco
by JerryTilda

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Totally RANDOM.

Good Morning!

I'm awake, which is a miracle! Or well at this hour anyways. I mean it's summer and I don't have anywhere to go so I could sleep many more hours, but no.
I'm at a friends place right now and she left an hour ago, and I stayed here to sleep, but it seems that I can't sleep anymore. Damnit. So I am doing what I always do, sit on the computer and do totally unimportant stuff, and important too, as this entry is very important indeed.

I'm probably going to stay in Tampere until Friday or something just because I want to, and 'cause I have friends here that I want to see. I didn't really plan this trip more then a couple of hours in the middle of the night so it's pretty random. But it's fun!

Oh, the Hermione/Draco bug that has bit my dear friend Hanna has also bit me, so YAY for that! I totally want to find good fanfics but that's almost impossible. :( If Hanna does not write a good one for me! Please? *puppyeyes*

Now I am going to continue doing something totally random.


Time: 10:22 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Dear readers

Glad you liked the video, Emma, and I'm very glad to hear that you like Return to me (for the uninitiated I might add that I am actually one of the authors of the fic, the other one is my girlfriend), and your virtual hug put a big smile on my face.

Something rather strange has happened to me, and I blame it all on youtube. I have become a Draco/Hermione shipper. I never liked the pairing before, but then suddenly I saw some absolutely charming fanvids presenting them as a couple and I was completely hooked.

It feels so wrong, but once I have fallen in love with a pairing it takes me a good time to fall out of love (if I ever manage to do it) so I'm pretty much stuck.

Here, myy friends, I present you with one of the vids that sealed my fate! xD

Love, Hanna

Monday, June 15, 2009



Hanna! I have to just say that I love that video with the two of you! It might be because I love you two very mucho! Hug your girlfriend from me next time you see her, okay? And imagine me hugging you right....NOW!

Okay, enough random stuff. On with the show, or something.

Last night I spent my time reading a Harry Potter fanfiction, which I have not done in a long time. I enjoyed doing it a lot. Because I have missed doing that a lot. So YAY! The one I was reading is called Return to me and if you want to read it then you can do it here. I love it.
I also started writing again on my own fanfictions and it has really been a while. I am so proud of myself now.

I did not sleep much last night so my brain is a bit soft. Sorry. And I haven't eaten anything today...


time: 5:44 PM

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Eclipse campaign

Self-explanatory vid with me and my girlfriend.


The Last Airbender

Hello guys!

I have been thinking about writing something for a couple of days now but somehow I always seem to forget to acually do it. For some odd reason.

Last weekend I bought a lot of stuff. Like too much stuff. I have no idea how much money I really spent but it was a lot. Though the stuff was stuff I really loved so that makes it okay. And I hope to get some more money in maybe a week so YAY! Then I can shop some more! HAHAHAHAHAA!

No, not really.

Yesterday I watched Avatar; the last airbender for the first time ever. And I think I fell in love with it. I just had to check it out cause our friend Emelie praised it to the heavens when I was in Sweden. Thank you. You should all check it out cause it's really worth it. I don't remember when I would have laughed that much. It's funny.

Now I am waiting for my littlebrother to come home. Maybe I could make him watch the first episode of Avatar. Haha.

Have a good day!


Time: 8:30 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dear readers, again I find myself in a situation where I feel obliged to apologize to you all. Sorry, I've had a busy time lately.

I got to see Emma a while ago, because she was in Sweden, and I was so happy! It was really great to see you again, sweetie!

Other fun stuff that's happened is that I've been to the opera and seen La Traviata and it was incredibly beautiful, and I've gotten another Errol Flynn movie, Sea Hawk. I'm a huge fan of Errol, so it's a pity he was such a bastard (and he really was), and I'm just generally crazy about old movies.

Oh, and my wonderful, wonderful girlfriend treated me to a day at an amusement park and bought me a book (why am I being showered with gifts? Well, it's my birthday soon. I'm turning 21, yikes!). The book she got me was Kushiel's Chosen, sequel to Kushiel's Dart, one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read. It's very sexy (I think), fascinating and intelligent, and beautifully written!

I've gotten myself books to, and a DVD, I finally used a gift certificate I got a couple of years ago. I am so slow. The DVD was Twilight and the books were The Gargoyle, and Lesbian Pulp Fiction. Twilight is excellent of course, I'll get back to you on the books when I've read them.

Hope I made up for my absence.


Oh, and here comes the second part of Dr. Horrible!